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单词 灯火辉煌

灯火辉煌dēng huǒ huī huāng

be ablaze (/aglow)with lights; be brightly lit; be flooded with coloured lights; be billiantly illuminated
❍ 里边灯烛辉煌,锦幛绣幕。(《红楼梦》669) The hall itself,ablaze with candles and lamps,was so brilliant with silk hangings and embroidered curtains.
❍ 汉口路上静悄悄的,除了附近报馆还是~以外,其余的铺面都关了。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—381) All was quiet in Hankou Road and all the shops were shuttered up except a news agent’s not far away,which was still ablaze with lights.
❍ 一座洋房里~,屋里敌前线指挥部在开会。(沈西蒙等《南征北战》20) A brightly-lit western-style house. The enemy frontline command is holding a council of war.
❍ 尤氏等送至大厅前,见~,众小厮都在丹墀侍立。(《红楼梦》91)Madam You and the others encorted them to the main hall,where by the bright light of lanterns they saw attendants waiting in court.
❍ 二楼~。惨叫、咒骂声不断传来。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》105)As usual,glaringly bright lights lit up the first floor,and screams and curses went on unabated.
❍ 领到卷子,然后依次由台侧走进第二重大门,仍然是灯烛辉煌,两边站满了一大堆检查“夹带”的人。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—67) With the papers in their hands,one after another the students went through the second gate,where in the brilliant light of numerous candles and lanterns they underwent a thorough search for “hidden papers”.


brilliantly lit (or illuminated);ablaze with lights

灯火辉煌dēnɡ huǒ huī huánɡ

辉煌:明亮。灯火明亮灿烂,一片热闹景致。be ablaze with lights, brilliantly illuminated, be brightly lit, be alight with lamps





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