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单词 祸国殃民

祸国殃民huò guó yāng mín

bring calamity(/disaster/havoc//misfortune)to the country and the people;cause great(/grievous)harm to the country and the people;wreck(/damage)the country and ruin(/afflict)the people
❍ 我犯的是反对你们~的罪行的“罪”!(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》28)I’m guilty of opposing your criminal acts which are bringing calamities to tge country and the people.
❍ 增加练饷一事,实为~之举。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—790)The proposed tax increases are disastrous.
❍ 以此~,欺君罔上之人,而陛下宠之,信之,不以彼为佞臣。(姚雪垠《李白成》Ⅱ—796) Yet Your Majesty considers such a deceiver highly though he does harm to the people.Why is he not a slanderer?/你是天子近臣,不能代朕分忧。别人拿出筹饷练兵办法,你说是~之举,这不是徒事攻讦是什么?(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—791)What have you ever done to solve the problem? Yet you criticize other plans as harmful to the people.That's slan der!/第八条罪状是:传播出去,~。(《毛泽东选集》797)The eighth indictment is that its spread would wreck the country and ruin the people.

祸国殃民huo guo yang min

bring calamity to the country and the people.


bringing calamity to the country and the people


wreck the country and ruin the people;devastate the nation and bring untold sufferings to the people;cause great harm to the state and the people

祸国殃民huò ɡuó yānɡ mín

使国家受害,人民遭殃。bring calamity to the country and the people, damage the country and ruin the people, do harm to the country and the people





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