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Ⅰ (祸事;灾难) misfortune;disaster;calamity: 车 ~ traffic [road] accident;
大 ~ 临头 disaster strikes;
惹 ~ cause trouble Ⅱ (损害) bring disaster upon;ruin
◆祸不单行 Disasters pile up on one another.;Misery loves company.;An evil chance seldom comes alone.;an Iliad of woes;Bad events rarely come singly.;Disasters [Misfortunes] do not come alone [singly].;It never rains but it pours.;Misfortunes or troubles never come singly or single.;One mischief [misfortune] comes on the neck of another.;One misfortune [calamity] after another befell (somebody).;One misfortune rides upon another's back.;One woe (maliciously) doth tread upon another's heels.;When sorrows come,they come not singly,but in battalions.;
祸不妄至 Woes never come without reason.;Disaster never strikes without cause.;
祸不远矣 Misfortune is not far off.;Trouble is brewing [brawing near].;祸从口出 Out of the mouth comes evil.;All one's troubles were caused by his tongue.;A ready tongue is an evil.;Disaster emanates from careless talk.;Improper language brings someone ruin.;Misfortunes come [issue out] from the mouth.;
祸从天降 Disaster comes (like a bolt) from the sky [blue].;an unexpected affliction or adversity;Misfortune dropped from Heaven,and fell on (somebody).;
祸端 [书] the source of the disaster;the cause of ruin;cause of a misfortune or disaster;
祸福淳淳 misfortune and happiness alternate;
祸福共之 be independent of good or evil fortune;
祸福难卜 Misfortunes can't be foretold.;
祸福荣枯 the shifts and changes of life;
祸福同当 throw in one's lot with sb.;share weal and woe;
祸福同门,利害为邻 Weal and woe come from the same source.;as to [for] advantages and disadvantages,they are closely linked.;
祸福无门 Misery and happiness have no door — if either comes,one brings it upon oneself.;God's even-handed justice;Happiness and woe are two things to which there is no open door.;
祸福与共 share thick and thin [weal and woe] with ...;go through thick and thin together;
祸根 (祸患的根源) bane;curse;the cause of ruin;the root of the trouble;seeds of misfortune;source of disaster;
祸国殃民 wreck the country and bring ruin to the people [ruin the people];be a bane to the country and the people;bring calamity [disaster;misfortune] to the country and (the) people;bring misfortune to the whole nation;bring untold suffering and damage to the state and the people;cause great harm to the country and bring calamity to the people;cause serious [grave] harm to the state and the people;compromise the state and bring misfortune upon the people;damage the country and bring calamity to the people;do (great) harm to the country and the people;harm [injure] the country and bring calamities on [to] the people;harm the country and the people;play havoc with the nation and the people;ruin a country and bring sorrow to its people;
祸害 disaster;curse;scourge;scourge;curse;bane;bring disaster to;damage;destroy;wreck;ruin;
祸患 disaster;calamity;
祸患无穷 with consequences of maximum seriousness;constant cause of trouble;incessant calamities;
祸乱 disaster;curse;
祸起萧墙 Troubles start inside the house.;There is internal strife afoot.;Trouble breaks out at home.;Troubles come within one's family — internecine feud.;
祸事 disaster;calamity;mishap;
祸首 chief culprit;chief offender;arch-criminal;
祸水 force compared to flood,causing trouble,disaster,etc.;
祸胎 the root of the trouble;the cause of the disaster;
祸心 evil intent;evil intention;malice;
祸延全家 bring disaster on the whole family;
祸殃 disaster;calamity;catastrophe;
祸由自取,非命非系 Misfortune was something man brought upon himself and was not necessarily determined by fate.;
祸在眼前 Misfortune is before one's very eyes.;
祸中得福 Good luck sometimes comes out of a calamity.;Good comes out of evil.;
祸中寓福,福中伏祸 In calamity lies good fortune and in good fortune lurks calamity.






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