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(堵; 填入) fill in; squeeze in; stuff: 把东西 ~ 进箱子 stuff [squeeze] things into a trunk; 水管 ~ 住了。The waterpipe is clogged up. 他用手指 ~ 住耳朵。 He stuffed his fingers into his ears. 邮递员把信从门底下 ~ 入。 The postman stuck the letter under the door. 咱们把这个洞 ~ 上。 Let's fill in the hole. Ⅱ (塞子) stopper: 软木 ~ cork
另见 see also sài; sè。
◆塞缝 stuff up a crack;
塞规 {机} {设计} male gauge; feeler gauge; plug gauge; chock gauge; gauge plug;
塞环 ring of plug;
塞孔 {电工} consent; pin hole; connector; tip jack; latch; jack; plug socket;
塞绳 {电工} cord; jack cord; flexible cord;
塞子 plug; stopper; tap; pack; spigot; spiggot


(可做屏障的险要地方) a place of strategic importance: 边 ~ frontier fortress; 要 ~ fort; fortress; fortification
另见 see also sāi; sè。
◆塞拉利昂 Sierra Leone;
塞内加尔 Senegal;
塞浦路斯 Cyprus;
塞舌尔 Seychelles;
塞外 beyond the Great Wall;
塞翁失马, 安知非福 When the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise — a loss may turn out to be a gain.; A loss sometimes spells a gain.; Every cloud has a [its] silver lining.; Misfortune may (prove to) be a blessing in disguise.; Nothing so bad, as not to be good for sth.

(堵; 阻塞) fill in; stuff: 堵 ~ stop [block] up; 淤 ~ silt up ; be choked with silt Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 强 Se Qiang
另见 see also sāi; sài。
◆塞擦音 {语} affricate;
塞音 {语} plosive;
塞责 not do one's job conscientiously:

stuffing something with forcemeat


obstruction; blockage; congestion





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