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❶ (父母亲的上一辈) grandfather: 外 ~ maternal grandfather
❷ (祖宗) ancestor; forefathers; forbears: 始 ~ first ancestor; 远 ~ remote ancestors
❸ (事业或派别的首创者) originator; founder: 佛教的鼻 ~ the originator of Buddhism
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 冲之 Zu Chongzhi
◆祖辈 ancestors; forefathers; ancestry; 祖传 handed down from one's ancestors; 祖父 (paternal) grandfa ̄ ther; 祖国 mother country; one's country; homeland; native land; motherland; fatherland; 祖籍 original family home; ancestral home; the land of one's ancestors; 祖母 (paternal) grandmother; 祖母绿 {矿} emerald; 祖师 the founder of a school of learning, a craft, etc.; the founder of a sect of Buddhism or Taoism; 祖述 worship and follow the example of forefathers' theory or conduct; 祖孙 grandparent and grandchild; 祖先 ancestors; ancestry; forefathers; progenitor; forbears; stock; root; 祖宗 forefathers; ancestry; forbears; 祖祖辈辈 for generations; from generation to generation; one's forefathers for generation upon generation





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