释义 |
礼(禮)lǐ ❶ (仪式) ceremonial observances in general; ceremony; rite: 婚 ~ wedding; 葬 ~ burial rites; funeral; 典 ~ formal ceremony ❷ (表示尊敬的言语或动作) courtesy; etiquette; manners: 敬 ~ salutation; give a salute; 失 ~ discourtesy ❸ (礼物) gift; present: 寿 ~ birthday presents; 贺 ~ gift as a token of congratulation; 送 ~ give a present; send a gift ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 至 Li Zhi ◆礼拜 {宗} religious service; [口] week; [口] day of the week; Sunday; 礼宾司 the Department of Protocol; the Protocol; 礼部 the Ministry of Rites in feudal China; 礼单 list of presents; 礼法 law and discipline rite; 礼服 ceremonial robe or dress; full dress; formal attire; 礼花 fireworks display; 礼记 The Book of Rites; 礼教 feudal code of ethics; feudal ethical code; feudal ethics and rites; 礼节 courtesy; etiquette; protocol; ceremony; 礼金 cash gift; 礼帽 a hat that goes with formal dress; 礼貌 courtesy; politeness; manners; 礼炮 salvo; (gun) salute; 礼品 gift; present; 礼品包装 gift package; 礼聘 cordially invite the service of sb.; 礼器 sacrificial vessel; 礼轻人[情]意重 The gift is trifling but the feeling is profound.; It's nothing much, but it's the thought that counts.; Every gift, though it may be small, is in reality great if given with affection.; The thoughtfulness is worth far more than the gift itself.; 礼让 give precedence to sb. out of courtesy or thoughtfulness; comity; 礼尚往来 Courtesy requires a return of visits received.; As the call, so the echo.; Courtesy demands reciprocity.; deal with sb. as he deals with you; 礼数 [口] courtesy; etiquette; 礼俗 etiquette and custom; 礼所当然 Etiquette requires it.; 礼堂 assembly hall; auditorium; 礼物 gift; present; 礼贤下士 be courteous to the wise and condescending to scholars; be considerate and kind to mon of talent; go out of one's way to enlist the services of the talented and the learned; hon ̄our men of letters; treat worthy men with courtesy; 礼仪 etiquette; rite; protocol; 礼仪小姐 the ritual girl; 礼义廉耻 sense of propriety, justice, honesty and honour; propriety, righteousness, honesty and the sense of shame; politeness, decorum, integrity and the sense of shame; 礼义之邦 a state of ceremonies; a land of propriety and righteousness; 礼遇 courteous reception |