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单词 眼中钉,肉中刺

眼中钉,肉中刺yǎn zhōng dīng ròu zhōng cì

a thorn in the flesh (/one’s side) and a sting in the eye;〔said of a hated person〕like an eyesore that one wishes removed; a pest
❍ 去! 快叫个人牙子来,多少卖几两银子,拔去肉中刺,眼中钉,大家过太平日子! (《红楼梦》 1049) Fetch a broker at once. We’ll sell her for whatever she’ll fetch,to rid ourselves of this pest.this thorn in the flesh. Only then can we have any peace.

眼中钉,肉中刺yan zhong ding,rou zhong ci

thorn in the flesh and sting in the eye

眼中钉,肉中刺yǎn zhōnɡ dīnɡ ,ròu zhōnɡ cì

像眼中长了钉子、肉中长了刺一样。比喻最厌恶、最憎恨的人。a thorn in the flesh, an eye sore





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