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半统袜 [bàn tǒnɡ wà] knee sock
布袜 [bù wà] cloth sock
长统裤袜 [chánɡ tǒnɡ kù wà] pantyhose; pantihose
长袜 [chánɡ wà] stocking
弹性袜 [tán xìnɡ wà] elastic sock
翻口短袜 [fān kǒu duǎn wà] anklet
工作袜 [ɡōnɡ zuò wà] work sock
花袜 [huā wà] patterned stocking
裤袜 [kù wà] pantyhose; pantihose
麻纱袜 [má shā wà] mesh stocking
毛袜 [máo wà] woollen/woolen sock
绵纱袜 [mián shā wà] gauze stocking
棉线袜 [mián xiàn wà] lisle (thread) stocking
男短统厚袜 [nán duǎn tǒnɡ hòu wà] crew sock
尼龙短袜 [ní lónɡ duǎn wà] nylon sock
尼龙丝袜 [ní lónɡ sī wà] nylon stocking
棋盘花袜 [qí pán huā wà] checkerboard pattern sock
人造丝袜 [rén zào sī wà] rayon stocking/hosiery
绒线袜 [rónɡ xiàn wà] worsted sock
丝光袜 [sī ɡuānɡ wà] mercerized stocking
丝质长袜 [sī zhì chánɡ wà] silk stocking
松紧口袜 [sōnɡ jǐn kǒu wà] elastic-top sock
透明纱袜 [tòu mínɡ shā wà] Georgette stocking
袜裤 [wà kù] support hose
网袜 [wǎnɡ wà] fishnet stocking
无接缝女长袜 [wú jiē fènɡ nǚ chánɡ wà] seamless stocking
有色女长袜 [yǒu sè nǚ chánɡ wà] colored stocking
运动袜 [yùn dònɡ wà] sport sock

(兜肚) an undergarment covering the chest and abdomen
另见 see also wà。

(襪);[ 韈、韤 ]

(袜子) hose; socks; stockings
另见 see also mò。
◆袜背 instep; 袜带 suspenders; garters; 袜底 sole of a stocking; 袜垫 brioche; 袜机 hosiery machine; 袜口 welt; blank; 袜裤 pantyhose; pantihose; 袜套 socks; ankle socks; 袜筒 the leg of a stocking; 袜统 leggings; 袜样板 finishing board; 袜子 socks; stockings; hose





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