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(真实) true; genuine; real: 失 ~ not true to life or to original; 逼 ~ lifelike; ~ 货 the real thing; 这玉是 ~ 的。 This jade is genuine. Ⅱ ❶ (的确; 实在) really; truly; indeed: 你 ~ 了不起。 You are really marvellous. 他 ~ 这样说吗? Does he really and truly say so? 那我 ~ 太高兴啦。 I shall be very glad indeed. 这出戏 ~ 是太好了。 The play was just splendid.
❷ (清楚确实) clearly; distinctly; unmistakably: 听得 ~ 切 hear clearly; 说得 ~ 确 speak distinctly; 黑板上的字你看得 ~ 吗? Can you see the words on the blackboard clearly? Ⅲ ❶ (指真书) (in Chinese calligraphy) regular script
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 祐 Zhen You
◆真北 {航空; 航海} true north; 真才实学 true skill and genuine knowledge; competent and well-trained (personnel etc.); genuine talent; real ability and learning; (those who) really know the work; solid learning; sturdy knowledge; 真诚 sincere; genuine; honest; earnest; true; 真谛 true essence; true meaning; 真鲷 genuine porgy; red porgy; 真格的 [方] real; true; 真个 [方] really; truly; indeed; 真果 {植} true fruit; 真核 {生} eucaryon; eukaryon; 真迹 authentic work (of painting or calligraphy); 真假 true and false; genuine and sham; 真菌 fungus (pl. fungi; funguses); fungoid; mushroom; torula (pl. toru ̄ lae); fungi-; -mycete; myc- (mycet-; myceto-; myco-; -myces); 真菌性 fungoid; fungous; 真空 {物} vacuum; empty space; vacuo; 真空包装 vacuum packaging; 真空泵 vacuum pump; pickup pump; 真空度 vacuum degree; vacuity; vacuum; 真空管 vacuum tube; vacuum valve; valve; 真空式 vacuum type; 真空蒸发 {电} vacuum evaporation; 真理 truth; 真理面前, 人人平等 Every is equal before the truth.; 真面目 one's true self; true features; true colours; 真皮 corium; cutis vera; derma; dermis; rete mucosum; 真枪实弹 real guns and bullets; live ammunition; 真切 vivid; clear; distinct; 真情 the real situation; the facts; the actual state of affairs; truth; true feelings; real sentiments; 真确 true; real; authentic; clear; distinct; 真人 immortal; 真人真事 real characters and real incidents; actual person and event; real people and real events; The characters are real and the story is true.; 真善美 the true, the good and the beautiful; 真实 true; real; authentic; 真实性 facticity; realness; truth; authenticity; factuality; truthfulness; 真释 the true and correct explanation; 真书 (楷书) regular script; 真数 antilog; antilogarithm; 真丝 real silk; 真髓 the essence of; 真相[象] face; naked truth; truth; the actual state of affairs; the real situation; 真相大白 The case is entirely cleared.; Everything is clear now.; The truth has been brought into daylight.; The cat is out of the bag.; The truth has come out.; throw a flood of light on ...; 真心 wholehearted; heartfelt; sincere; true intention; sincerity; 真心实[真]意 have a genuine and sincere desire (to do sth.); from the bottom of one's heart; in real earnest; sincerity; sincerely; with all one's heart; 真性 true; real; 真正 genuine; true; real; really; indeed; 真知 genuine knowledge; 真知灼见 high perspicacity; close knowledge of a subject; correct and penetrating views; incisive [penetrating] judg(e)ment; insight won from close knowledge of a subject; profound insight; real knowledge and deep insight; 真挚 sincere; genuine; cordial; 真珠 pearl; 真主 {伊斯兰教} Allah

千~万确absolutely true/去伪存~eliminate the false and retain the true/~假难分the true is mingled with the false; find it hard to tell truth from falsehood /假裁军,~扩军sham disarmament,but genuine arms expansion/~裁军genuine disarmament/~和平genuine peace/~丝real(or genuine)silk/~团结genuine unity





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