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单词 feeling
释义 feeling /'filiQ; 'fiho/ n 1 [U] power and capacity to feel: 知觉: He had lost all ~ in his legs. 他的安腿全失去亍知觉。 2 [C] physical or mental awareness; emotion: 感虫; 感触; 情绪: a ~ of hunger/ well-being/discomfort/gratitude/joy; 饥饿(幸福,不适,感激,快乐)的感觉; idea or belief not based wholly on reason: 预感: d of danger/that something dreadful was about to happen; 昙到危险(可怕的事即将发生); (usu sing) general opinion: (通常用单数)一般人的意见: The ~ of the meeting (=The opinion of the majority) was against the proposal. 与会的人大都反对此项提议。 3 (pl) emotional side of a person's nature (contrasted with the intellect): (U)感情(与 intellect 相对): Have I hurt your ~s, offended you? 我伤了你的感情嘴? The speaker appealed to the ~s of his audience rather than to their reason. 那演说者诉诸听众的感情而非他们的理智。 No hard ~s, I hope! ie no bitterness, no ill will. 希望没有恶意(或怨恨)! 4 [U] sympathy; understanding: 同情; 了解: He doesn't show much ~ for the sufferings of others. 他对于别人的痛苦不十分同情。 She’s a woman of 她是个富有同情心的安子。 good ~, friendliness. 好感。 ill/bad ~, bitterness. 恶感。 5 [C, U] excitement of mind, esp of enmity and resentment: 激动; (尤指)愤激; 愤慨: His speech aroused strong ~(s) on all sides. 他的演说激起各方面强烈的愤慨。 F~ over the dismissal ran high, There was much bitterness. 关于该一撤职事件,人们甚表愤慨。 6 [U] taste and understanding; sensibility: 鉴赏力; 感受力: He hasn't much ~ for natural beauty. 他对自然界的美缺少檐赏力。 She plays the piano with 她奏钢琴能表现出感受力。 adj sympathetic; showing emotion: 有同情心的; 表现感情的: a ~ remark. 同情的话。 ~ly adv so as to express ~: 表现感情地: speak ~ly on a subject. 恳切地谈论一个问题。




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