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单词 cover
释义 cover1 /'kAva(r); 'kAV/ n 1 thing that covers: 遮 盖物; 盖子; 套子: When the water boils, take the ~ (=lid) from the pan. 当水开了的时候, 将锅盖揭开。 Some chairs are fitted with loose ~s. 有些椅子装着可以随意取下和套上的套子。 2 binding of a book, magazine, etc; either half of this: (书籍、杂志等的) 封面; 殻面: The book needs a new 这书需要装个新封面。 from ~ to ~, from beginning to end: 从头莉尾: The child read the book from ~ to 那孩子持书从头谨到尾。' ~ girl, girl who poses for photographs to be used on the cover of a magazine. (雑志的) 封面女郞。 3 wrapper or envelope. 封套; 封皮。 under plain in a parcel or envelope which has no indication of the firm, the contents, etc: 在未写明商号、内容等之包里或信封中: The book of photographs of girls in the nude is being sent under plain ~. 那本裸体女郞照片的书是用未写明寄件商号及内容的信封邮寄的。 under separate ~, (comm) in a separate parcel or envelope: (商) 在另一包里或信封中; 另行封寄: We are sending the goods under separate ~. 货品我们将另行封寄。 4 [U] place or area giving shelter or protection: 可以隐蔽的地方; 躱避处; 庇护所: The land was flat and treeless and provided no ~ for the troops. 该地平坦 H 无树木,军队无法隠蔽。 take ~, place oneself where one is protected or concealed: 利用掩护物将自己隐蔵起来; 掩蔽: There was nowhere where we could take ~, eg from rain. 没有一个我们可以联避的地方 (如避雨) 。 under ~, sheltered. 在遮蔽之下; 在保护之下。 5 [U] woods or undergrowth protecting animals, etc. (隐藏动物等的) 丛林。 break ~, (eg of a fox) come out of the undergrowth, etc. (指狐狸等) 自所隐藏的树丛中出来。 6 [U] under ~ of, with a pretence of: 以…之名义; 在…的伪装下; 以…为借口; 假托 - 之名: under ~ of friendship/religion, 借友谊 (宗敎) 之名; murders committed under ~ of patriotism. 假借爱国之口实所犯的谋杀罪行。 7 [U] protection from attack: 保护 (以免受攻击); 掩护:give ~. 给予掩护。 8 place laid at table for a meal: 餐桌上所布置的席位: C~s were laid for six. 布置了六个两盘。 charge n (in a restaurant) charge in addition to the cost of the food and drink. (餐馆中饮食费用以外之) 附加费; 服务费。 9 [U] (comm) money deposited to meet a liability or possible loss. (商) 负债或亏损准备金。 10 [U] insurance against loss, damage, etc: 损坏等之保险: Does your policy provide adequate ~ against fire? 你的保险单是否提供适当的火险? ' ~ note, document from an insurance company to provide temporary ~ between the acceptance and issue of a policy. 临时保单 (保险公司所发给之文件,提供在接受投保至发给保单之期间的临时保险) 。




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