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单词 favour
释义 favour2 (US = fa vor) /'feiva (r); 'few/ vt 1 [VP6A] show favour to; support: 关照; 爱护; 支持: Fortune ~s the brave. 备运爱护勇者。 2 [VP6A] treat with partiality; show more favour to one person, group, etc than to another: 偏爱; 偏袒: .4 teacher should not ~ any of his pupils. 教师不应偏爱任何学生。 most ~ed nation clause, clause (in a commercial treaty) agreeing that a nation shall be accorded the lowest scale of import duties. 最惠国条款(通商条约中,给予某一国家最低进口税的商业条款)。 3 [VP14] ~ sb with sth, (old use, or formal) oblige; do something for: (旧用法或正式用语)赐助; 为某人做某事:的 you ~ me with an interview? 请准我谒见你好吗? Miss Sharp will now ~ us with a song, will sing for us. 夏浦小姐现在愿意为我们唱一支歌。 4 [VP6A] (of circumstances) make possible or easy: (指情况)便于; 使顺利: The weather our voyage. 天呆使我们的稣行顺利。 5 [VP6A] (old use) resemble in features: (旧用法)容貌像; 肖: The child ~s its father, looks more like its father than its mother. 这孩子的面貌像传父亲。 lillwell-'—ed adj having an un-pleasing/pleasing appearance. 容貌丑陋(漂亮)的。




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