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单词 father
释义 father1 /'fa: da(r); 'fad/ n 1 male parent: 父亲: You have been like a ~ to me. 你一直像父亲一般地对待我。 The property had been handed down from ~ to son for many generations. 这财产父子亩传已经有很多代了。 The child is ~ to the man, (prov) One's childhood decides the way in which one will develop in later years. (诱 j 童年时代可决定一人之未来; 从小看大。 The wish is ~ to the thought. (prov) We are likely to believe what we wish to be true. (谚)愿望为思想之父(我们多半会把渴望之事信以为真)。 '~-in-law /'fa: dar in b: ; 'fadannz13/ n (pl ~ s-in-law) ~ of one's wife or husband. 岳父; 公公。 figure older man respected because of eg his concern for one's welfare. (因其关心一个人的幸福而)受人尊敬的长者。 2 (usu pl) ancestors): (通常用复数)祖先: sleep with one's ~s, be buried in the ancestral tomb or grave. 葬在祖坟。 3 founder or first leader: 创始者; 倡导者: the F~s of the Church, Christian writers of the first five centuries; 最初五世纪的基督教作家; the Pilgrim F~s, English Puritans who founded the colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA in 1620; 美国的开国先驱 (1620 年在美国麻萨诸塞州建立普里茅斯殖民地之英国清教徒); the F~ of English poetry, Chaucer. 英诗鼻祖(乔塞)。 4 Our (Heavenly) F~, God. 我们的天父(上帝)。 5 priest, esp one belonging to a religious order; head of a monastic house (cbrother for a monk): 神父; 修道院长(修道士为 brother): the Holy F~, the Pope. 教宗; 萨马教皇。 6 title used in personifications: 用做拟人化名词中之称号: F~ Christmas; 圣诞老人; 尸 ~ Time. 时间老人。 '~hood /-hud; -zhud/ n [U] stag of being a ~. 做父亲; 父亲的身份。 ,~land /-laend; -zlaend/ n one's native country (mother country is the normal English usage 祖国 (mother, country 是英语的标准用法) 。 ~less adj without a living ~ or a known ~. 丧父的; 无父的。 ~ly adj of or like a ~: 父亲的; 似父亲的: ~ly love/smiles. 父爱 (慈爱如父的笑容) 。




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