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单词 apart
释义 apart /a'pa: t; a'part/ adv 1 distant: 远离地; 远隔地: The two houses are 500 metres ~. 这两栋房子相距五百公尺。 The negotiators are still miles ~, show no signs of agreeing. 谈判者之间仍有相当的距离(无协议的迹象)。 2 to or on one side: 向一边; 在一边: He took me ~ in order to speak to me alone. 他把我拉到一边,以便跟我单独说话。 Why does she hold herself ~, ie not mix with other people? 她为什么落落寡合(与他人格格不入)? jokiny/jesting ~, speaking seriously. 非开玩笑; 说正经话。 set/put (sth/sb) ~ (from), put (it) on one side; reserve it: make (sb) (appear) special: 储备; 保留(某事物); 使(某人)(显得)特殊: His far-sightedness set him ~ from most of his contemporaries. 他的远见使他显得与其同辈的人迥然不同。 3 separate(ly): 分开; 分离: I can't get these two things ~. 我分不开这两样东西。 He was standing with his feet wide ~. 他两足大开而立。 ~ from, independently of; leaving on one side: 除开; 除…以外: ~ from these reasons. 除了这些理由以外。 tell/know two things or persons ~, distinguish one from the other. 能分辨两种东西或两个人。 → come(16), pull2(7), take1(16).




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