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单词 目光如豆

目光如豆mù guāng rú dòu

vision as narrow as a bean——of narrow vision;extremely short-sighted;of myopic view; not look any farther than the end of one’s nose; with very limited outlook
❍ 他想了想,说:“延年兄,你知道利华药房是股份公司,几位股东都是老实人,巴巴稳稳地做点小生意,从来不向外发展的,和老兄比起来,可以说是~。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—482)After a moment’s thought he said: “You must realize,Yannian,that the Li Hua Pharmacy is a joint stock company with just a few shareholders,all steady going people,just jogging along in our own modest way with the business. We’ve never thought of expanding in any way and compared with you it might be said that we don’t look any farther than the ends of our noses.”

目光如豆mù ɡuānɡ rú dòu

眼光像豆子一样小。比喻目光短浅,见识短。short sighted, shallow, with very limited outlook, as blind as a bat





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