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Ⅰ ❶ (盘子) tray; plate; dish: 茶 ~ 儿 tea tray; 瓷菜 ~ china dinner plate; 木~ wooden dish; 陷饼 ~ pie plate
❷ (形状或功用像盘的东西) sth. shaped like or used as a tray, plate, etc.; disc: 秤 ~ the pan of a steelyard; 磨 ~ millstone; 棋 ~ chessboard
❸ (价格; 行情) market quotation; current price: 开 ~ opening quotation; 收 ~ closing quotation
❹ {体} (比赛中的一局、一场) game; set: 下一 ~ 棋 play a game of chess; 以六比零胜了这一 ~ win the set in six straight games
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 铭 Pan Ming Ⅱ ❶ (回旋地绕) coil; wind; twist: 把绳子 ~ 起来 coil up the rope; ~ 山小道 a winding mountain path; 莫干山上下都是一十八 ~。 There are eighteen hairpin bends on the way up Mogan Mountain. 蛇能将身子 ~ 起来,或者 ~ 在树枝上。 A snake can coil itself up or coil around a branch.
❷ (垒、砌、搭炕或灶) build: ~ 炕 build a kang; ~ 灶 blild a brick cooking range
❸ (仔细查问或清点) check; examine; interrogate: ~ 根究底 try to get to the heart of a matter
❹ (转让工商企业) transfer: ~ 店 transfer the ownership of a shop
❺ (搬运) carry; transport: ~ 运货物 transport goods Ⅲ : 两 ~ 磁带 two spools of tape; 两 ~ 肉 two plates of meat; 一 ~ 菜 a dish; 一 ~ 磨 a mill; a millstone; 一 ~ 香 a coil of incense
◆盘剥 practice usury; exploit; usurious; flay; 盘查 interrogate and examine; question; examine thoroughly; 盘缠 coil; wind round; twist; twine; 盘缠 [口] money for the journey; travelling expenses; 盘车 barring; jigger; jolly; jolley jollie; 盘秤 a steelyard with a pan; 盘存 take inventory; 盘错 [书] (of roots and branches) intertwining; intricate; complex; complicated; 盘道 winding mountain paths; bends; 盘点 check; make an inventory (of stock on hand); draw up an inventory; 盘店 [旧] transfer the ownership of a shop to sb. else; 盘儿菜 ready to cook dish (sold at market); 盘费 [口] money for the journey; travelling expenses; 盘根错节 with twisted [coiled] roots and gnarled branches; a complicated affair; a great tangled root system; complicated and difficult to deal with; deeply involved social and political factors; deep-rooted; entangling alliancess with other countries; interwining roots forming an intricate mass; (as) the tree roots are twined together — a difficult and confused affair; with twisting roots and intercrossing branches; 盘根问底 cross-examine details; 盘古 Pan Gu, creator of the universe in Chinese mythology; 盘管 {机} coiler; scroll; coil (pipe); 盘桓 [书] stay; linger; stroll about; 盘簧 {机} coil spring; 盘货 make an inventory of stock on hand; taking inventory; stock-taking; take stock; 盘景 miniascape; 盘踞 illegally or forcibly occupy; be entrenched; settle in; 盘库 make an inventory of goods in a warehouse; 盘龙卧虎 intertwined dragon(s) and sleeping tiger(s) — talented men still remained in concealment; 盘马弯弓 turn round on one's gallopingsteed and aim an arrow at ...; bestride the horse and bend the bow — to ready to fight; make a show of readiness to fight; ride round and round bending one's bow — to assume an impressive posture but take no action; 盘霉素 Panmycin; 盘尼西林 {药} Penicillin; 盘弄 play with; fiddle with; fondle;
盘曲 [书] tortuous; zigzagging; 盘绕 twine; coil; wreathe; weave; wind round; 盘石 huge circular stone; rock; 盘式 disk; disc; 盘算 calculate; consider and weigh; figure; plan; premeditate; deliberate; 盘梯 winding staircase; spiral staircase; 盘条 {冶} wire rod; 盘腿 cross one's legs; 盘陀[陁] [书] (of stone surface) uneven; tortuous; zigzagging; 盘问 cross-examine; interrogate; catechize; inquire; 盘膝 cross one's legs; 盘香 incense coil; 盘形 disk; {宝} talle; 盘旋 circle around; spiral; circle; wheel; hover; linger; stay; tarry; 盘运 transport; carry; 盘帐 check accounts; audit accounts; examine accounts; 盘状 disc; discal; discoid; 盘子 tray; plate; dish; salver; saucer






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