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单词 皮肤病

皮肤病pí fū bìnɡSkin Diseases

疤痕 [bā hén] scar
白斑 [bái bān] leucoma
斑点 [bān diǎn] macule
斑纹 [bān wén] macule
剥脱性皮炎 [bāo tuō xìnɡ pí yán] exfoliative dermatitis
扁平苔癣 [biǎn pínɡ tái xuǎn] lichen planus
表皮糜烂 [biǎo pí mí làn] epidermal erosion
糙皮病 [cāo pí bìnɡ] pellagra
臭汗症 [chòu hàn zhènɡ] osmidrosis (foul sweat)
痤疮 [cuó chuānɡ] acne
带状疱疹 [dài zhuànɡ pào zhěn] herpes zoster; shingles
丹毒 [dān dú] erysipelas; St Anthony’s fire
疔疮 [dīnɡ chuānɡ] sloughing ulcer
冻疮 [dònɡ chuānɡ] chilblains; frostbite
冻疮化脓 [dònɡ chuānɡ huà nónɡ] abcessed frostbite
冻疮疱 [dònɡ chuānɡ pào] frostbite bulla/blister
痘疮 [dòu chuānɡ] pock
毒疮 [dú chuānɡ] carbuncle
多汗症 [duō hàn zhènɡ] excessive sweating; hyperhidrosis
多毛 [duō máo] hirsutism
多形红斑 [duō xínɡ hónɡ bān] erythema multiforme
恶性水肿 [è xìnɡ shuǐ zhǒnɡ] malignant edema
发疹 [fā zhěn] eruption
痱子 [fèi zi] prickly heat; miliaria
粉刺 [fěn cì] acne
浮肿 [fú zhǒnɡ] edema
妇女多毛症 [fù nǚ duō máo zhènɡ] hirsutism
干癣 [ɡān xuǎn] psoriasis
肛门生殖器痒症 [ɡānɡ mén shēnɡ zhí qì yǎnɡ zhènɡ] rectal-genital pruritus
疙瘩 [ɡē dɑ] keloid scar
光敏感性反应 [ɡuānɡ mǐn ɡǎn xìnɡ fǎn yìnɡ] photosensitivity reaction
黑粉刺 [hēi fěn cì] blackhead
红癣 [hónɡ xuǎn] erythrasma (a superficial skin infection)
花斑癣 [huā bān xuǎn] tinea versicolor (a body ringworm common in young adults)
花斑癣疹 [huā bān xuǎn zhěn] pityriasis versicolor (a lesion dermatitis)
化脓 [huà nónɡ] abscess
黄癣 [huánɡ xuǎn] favus [a ringworm]; tinea favosa
鸡皮疙瘩 [jī pí ɡē dɑ] goose-flesh; goose-skin
鸡眼 [jī yǎn] corns
急性湿疹 [jí xìnɡ shī zhěn] acute eczema
痂 [jiā] crust
疖病 [jiē bìnɡ] furunculosis
疖疮 [jiē chuānɡ] furuncle; cabies; the itch
酒刺 [jiǔ cì] pimple; wen
酒糟鼻 [jiǔ zāo bí] rosacea (esp. in middle age or later)
酒渣鼻 [jiǔ zhā bí] rosacea (esp. in middle age or later)
糠疹 [kānɡ zhěn] pityriasis
溃疡 [kuì yánɡ] ulcer
癞痢头 [lài lì tóu] scaled head
老人斑 [lǎo rén bān] age-marks
老人疣 [lǎo rén yóu] senile wart
鳞屑 [lín xiè] scale
落屑 [luò xiè] ecdysis
面疱疹 [miàn pào zhěn] fever blisters; herpes facilis
牛皮癣 [niú pí xuǎn] psoriasis
脓 [nónɡ] pus
脓血 [nónɡ xuè] purulent matter
脓疱 [nónɡ pào] pustule
脓疱病 [nónɡ pào bìnɡ] impetigo
女阴搔痒 [nǚ yīn sāo yǎnɡ] pruritus vulva (a vulva dermatitis)
疱疹 [pào zhěn] herpes
皮肤病 [pí fū bìnɡ] skin disorder
皮肤霉菌病 [pí fū méi jūn bìnɡ] ringworm
皮肤囊肿 [pí fū nánɡ zhǒnɡ] cyst
皮肤炎 [pí fū yán] dermatitis
皮脂腺囊肿 [pí zhī xiàn nánɡ zhǒnɡ] wen; sebaceous cyst
皮脂溢性皮炎 [pí zhī yì xìnɡ pí yán] seborrhea
胼胝 [pián zhī] skin callus
丘疹 [qiū zhěn] pimple
缺汗症 [quē hàn zhènɡ] inadequate sweating; anhidrosis
雀斑 [què bān] freckle; ephelis; lentigo
热毒小粒 [rè dú xiǎo lì] blotch
褥疮 [rù chuānɡ] trophic ulcer; bedsore
搔痒症 [sāo yǎnɡ zhènɡ] pruritus; itching
伤痕 [shānɡ hén] scar
蛇皮癣 [shé pí xuǎn] pityriasis
神经性皮肤炎 [shén jīnɡ xìnɡ pí fū yán] neuro-dermatitis
湿疹 [shī zhěn] eczema
水疱 [shuǐ pào] blister; bulla
粟粒疹 [sù lì zhěn] prickly heat; miliaria
胎记 [tāi jì] mole nodule
头部白癣 [tóu bù bái xuǎn] tinea capitis (scalp ringworm)
秃顶 [tū dǐnɡ] baldness; alopecia; bald
秃发 [tū fà] baldness; alopecia; bald
秃头 [tū tóu] baldness; alopecia; bald
秃头症 [tū tóu zhènɡ] psilosis (a falling out of hair)
脱发症 [tuō fà zhènɡ] psilosis (a falling out of hair)
脱皮 [tuō pí] ecdysis
小脓疱 [xiǎo nónɡ pào] blotch
虚肿 [xū zhǒnɡ] puffiness
癣 [xuǎn] ringworm
荨麻疹 [xún má zhěn] hives; urticaria
药物性皮炎 [yào wù xìnɡ pí yán] dermatitis medicamentosa (drug eruption)
药疹 [yào zhěn] dermatitis medicamentosa (drug eruption)
阴囊骚痒 [yīn nánɡ sāo yǎnɡ] pruritus scrotum (a scrotum dermatitis)
痈 [yōnɡ] carbuncle
疣 [yóu] verruca; wart
鱼鳞癣 [yú lín xuǎn] ichthyosis
跖疣 [zhí yóu] plantar wart
痣 [zhì] mole nodule
爪甲癣 [zhuǎ jiǎ xuǎn] tinea unguium (ringworm of the nails)
赘肉 [zhuì ròu] keloid scar
着色过度 [zhuó sè ɡuò dù] hyper pigmentation
足底疣 [zú dǐ yóu] plantar wart


skin disease;dermatosis







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