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单词 百依百顺

百依百顺百依百随bǎi yī bǎi shùn

agree with sb in everything; be all obedience; be completely under sb’s thumb; be sb’s yes-man; be very obedient(/compliant); be wax in sb’s hands; be completely obedient and subservient; comply all the time with the dictates of sb; dance after (/to) sb’s pipe(/piping/whistle/tune); do bidding of sb in all things; do whatever sb says; docile and obedient;fall in with all whims of sb;be most dutiful; obey sb’s every whim and fancy; obey sb implicitly;be servile
❍ 一种是象薛为德那样的人,~,…… (夏衍《考验》58) One of them is like Xue Weide,who agrees with you in everything.
❍ 你们只想自己的爱人像旧式妇女一样,~,不声不气,来服侍你们。(周立波《山乡巨变》2) Your one idea is that your wives should be just like the old-fashioned women,completely obedient and subservient,and wait upon you without a word.
❍ 他一向~,如今却不是“你说怎办都行”了。(王汶石《风雪之夜》80) He once used to do whatever she said,but now he no longer said,“You do whatever you think fit.”/他娘听了。自此百依百随的,不敢倔强了。(《红楼梦》763) Her mother,now completely under her thumb,did not venture to oppose her.
❍ 寡母独守此女,娇养溺爱,不啻珍宝,凡女儿一举一动,她母亲皆~,…… (《红楼梦》1042) Her widowed mother had spoilt this only daughter,doting on her and fall ing in with all her whims.
❍ 她性格软弱,温顺,特别对何是非从来都是~。(宗福先《于无声处》 2) Kind and good natured,Xiuying has always humoured her hus band.
❍ 金老歪对小奉天~,啥事都听她的。(石文驹《战地红缨》 6) She has Twist feeding out of her hand,obeying her every whim and fancy.
❍ 一听他女人吩咐,~。(《红楼梦》845) He therefore obeyed her implicitly.

百依百顺bǎi yī bǎi shùn

一切顺从,对方怎么说就怎么做。all obedience, docile and obedient, eat out of sb.’s hand, agree with sb. in everything, be sb.’s yesman, be wax in sb.’s hands, do whatever sb. says

百依百顺bǎi yī bǎi shùn

一切顺从,对方怎么说就怎么做。all obedience, becile and obedient, assent to every proposal





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