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单词 天马行空

天马行空tiān mǎ xíng kōng

a heavenly steed soaring across the skies—a powerful and uncon strained style
❍ 卷尾的总批: “全篇笔调,有如游龙活虎,~,……”(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—57) He remarked at its end: “The style of the whole work seems as free and lively as an agile dragon swimming in the sea or a heavenly horse flying in the air.”/呵! 这个诸葛亮,”佑甫用嘲讽的调子接着说,“真是个‘~’的家伙,口口声声现状不对,口口声声理想教育……”(叶圣陶《倪焕之》107) “Zhuge Liang. Hah!” Youfu went on in a sarcastic tone of voice. “All airy-fairy head-in the clouds. Every time he opens his mouth it’s to tell us that everything’s all wrong and that what’s wanted is an ideal system of education…”/他平时遇见些太不喜欢理想的人,听到他的自以为不很理想的议论,就说他“~”,“远于事实”,往往使他感到受了冤屈似的不快。(《叶圣陶文集·倪焕之》Ⅲ—122) He was constantly coming across people who shied away from anything smacking of idealism and who,on hearing his arguments (which he himself did not consider par ticularly idealistic),dismissed them as being “castles in the air” or“divorced from reality,” and this always made him feel unhappy,as if he were smarting under some great injustice.

天马行空tian ma xing kong

like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies


like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies;vigorous and unconstrained in style
~,独来独往be a loner like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies in solitude

天马行空tiān mǎ xínɡ kōnɡ

比喻才思横溢,奔放不羁;也比喻作风浮躁,不踏实。a powerful and unconstrained style, a heavenly horse flying in the air





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