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单词 白驹过隙

白驹过隙bái jū guò xì

as brief as the passing of a white colt glimpsed through a crack in the wall; as swiftly as a white charger seen through a crack in the door; flash by as the glint of a white horse across a chink in the door; in a split second
❍ 人生一世间,如~,何至自苦如此乎!(《史记·留侯世家》2048)Man’s life in this world is as brief as the passing of a white colt glimpsed through a crack in the wall. Why should you punish yourself like this?/人生如~,似此迁延岁月,何日恢复中原乎?(《三国演义》934) Life is short. Our days flash by as the glint of a white horse across a chink in the door. We are waiting and waiting. Are we never to try to restore Han to its old glory?

白驹过隙bai ju guo xi

a glimpse of a white colt flashing past a chink in a wall—time flies


time flies
光阴似~。Time passes as quickly as a white pony flashing past a chink;Time flies;Life is short.

白驹过隙bái jū ɡuò xì

比喻时间过得飞快,如同骏马在极小的细缝前飞快越过一般。time flying, in a split second, the flight of time





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