释义 |
白báiⅠ ❶ (似雪的颜色) white:雪 ~ white as snow;~ 衬衫 a white shirt; 皮肤 ~ have a fair complexion; 苍 ~ 如纸 white as a sheet ❷ (清楚;明白;弄明白) clear:明 ~ clear;easy to understand; 不明不 ~ not clear;not open;slightly underhand; 真相大 ~。 Everything is clear now. ❸ (空的;没加他物的) pure;clear;plain;unmixed;blank:洁 ~ fresh and clear;pure white;~ 开水 plain boiled water; 一穷二 ~ poor and blank ❹ (象征反动) White (as a symbol of reaction):~ 区 the White area;~ 军 the White army ❺ (把字写错或说错) wrongly written or mispronounced:写 ~ 字 wrongly write a character; 我把这字念 ~了。 I've mispronounced the character. Ⅱ ❶ (没有效果;徒然) without results;in vain;waste efforts:~ 费力气 labour without results;~ 跑一趟 make a trip in vain;~ 忙了一天 be unproductively busy for a whole day ❷ (无代价;无报偿) free of charge;gratis:~ 吃 eat without pay;~ 给 give away free of charge;give for nothing;~ 看戏 see a free play Ⅲ ❶ (戏剧等中说的语句) spoken part in opera,etc.:道 ~ spoken part in opera; 独 ~ soliloquy; 对 ~ dialogue ❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 居易 Bai Juyi ❸ (地方话) dialect:苏 ~ Suzhou dialect Ⅳ ❶ (说明;陈述) explain;present;clear up;state:表 ~ 心迹 bare one's heart;explain one's true intentions; 自 ~ explain oneself;confess; 辩 ~ vindicate ❷ (变白) turn white:~ 了少年头。 The hair turns white on a young head. ❸ (用白眼珠看人) look upon people with the white of the eyes:她生气地 ~ 了他一眼。 She gave him an angry stare. ◆白皑[皑] dazzlingly white;white and clean (usually said of snow); 白矮星 {天} white dwarf; 白白 in vain;to no purpose;for nothing;of no avail; 白斑 hickies;leukasmus;vitiligo;floccosoids; 白璧微瑕 a flaw in a white jade — a slight blemish;a flaw in a gem;a flaw in an otherwise perfect character;a slight flaw in a white jade;blemish in a man's good character;small faults [defects];白璧无瑕 flawless white jade;man's flawless character;impeccable moral integrity;girl's virginity;faultless; 白布 plain white cloth;calico; 白鲳 orbfish; 白吃白喝 Food and drink are served gratis.; 白痴 idiocy;idiot;ament;oaf; 白炽 whiteglow;white heat;incandescence; 白炽灯 filament lamp;electric incandescent lamp; 白搭 [口] no use;no good;futile;fruitless;in vain; 白带 {医} leukorrhea;leukorrhoea;leucorrhea;whites; 白蛋白 {生化} albumin;x-protein;ricin; 白癜风 {医} leucoderma;leukoderma;leukodermia;piebald skin vitiligo; 白椴 white passwood; 白俄罗斯 Belorussia;Byelorussia; 白垩 chalk;greda;whiting;{地} Cretaceous; 白发 white [grey] hair;leukotrichia;poliothrix; 白发苍苍 grey-haired;hoary-haired;covered with silvery hair;of hoary age; 白发红颜 marry a woman many years younger than oneself;The old man married a young lady.; 白费 waste;in vain; 白费口舌 waste one's words;speak to the wind; 白费气力 waste one's effort on;draw water with a sieve;pour water into a sieve;catch at shadows;plough the sands;go on a wild goose chase;beat the air; 白费心机 scheme in vain;bother one's head for nothing;make futile efforts;rack one's brains in vain; 白干儿 spirits;white spirits;pure gaoliang wine;strong liquor made from sorghum; 白鸽 pigeon; 白宫 the White House; 白骨如山 White bones are piled up like hills.;The place was piled up with whitening bones.; 白圭之玷 a flaw in a jade baton;spot on a white jade; 白鲑 whitefish;lavaret;powan;vendace; 白果 {植} ginkgo;gingko;Salisburia adiantifolia; 白合金 bidery metal; 白喉 {医} diphtheritis;diphtheria; 白虎星 {天} White Tiger;evil spirit;jinx; 白花冷淡无人爱 The white flowers are too plain and simple to be popular.; 白桦 {植} white birch; 白话 the written form of modern Chinese;vernacular;empty promise;groundless talk; 白金 platinum; 白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace; 白鲸 white whale;beluga;belouga; 白酒 spirits (usu. distilled from sorghum or maize);white spirit; 白驹过隙 Time passes quickly like a white pony's shadow across a crevice.;a glimpse of a white colt flashing past a chink in a wall;in the twinkling of an eye;(Days flash by as) the glint of a white horse across a chink in the door.;Time flies.; 白蜡 white wax;insect wax;beeswax; 白兰地 brandy;eau-de-vie;jack; 白兰瓜 {植} honey dew melon; 白兰花 gardenia; 白浪淘沙 The billows washing up the sand shimmered as though made of silver.; 白莲教 {宗} White Lotus Society; 白令海 the Bering Sea; 白鲈 white bass; 白露 {天} White Dew (15th solar term);name of season in old calendar,around Sept. 8;白鹭 {动} egret; 白鳗 eel; 白茫茫 a vast expanse of whiteness;in an endless whiteness (snow,cloud,fog); 白忙 busy oneself to no purpose; 白茅 {植} cogongrass; 白米 (polished) rice; 白面书生 an inexperienced youth [young scholar];a fair-complexioned scholar;a pale-faced scholar;a pasty-faced pedant;a scholar inexperienced in life [affairs;business];white-faced scholar; 白木耳 phytin;tremella; 白内障 {医} cataract;[拉] cataracta; 白砒 {化} white arsenic;arsenic trioxide; 白皮书 white paper;white book; 白皮松 lacebark pine;pumpkin pine; 白前{中药} Cynanchum glaucescens; 白热化 turn white-hot;fervorization; 白人 white man or woman;the white race;Caucasian; 白刃 naked sword;naked blade;a sharp knife; 白扔 spend without proper return;waste; 白日不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊One who hasn't done anything against conscience during the day needs not to be scared by the knocks at the door at midnight.;A quiet conscience sleeps in the midst of thunder.;A good conscience is a soft pillow.;A clear conscience is a sure card.;A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.;A clear hand wants no washing.;A good conscience is a constant feast.; 白日梦 daydream;reverie; 白色 white (colour);albedo;whiteness; 白色恐怖 white terror; 白色素 antholeucin;leucophyll; 白芍 {中药} (peeled) root of herbaceous peony;radix paeoniae alba; 白食 food and drinks one gets without pay;free meal; 白事 funeral affairs;funeral; 白手起家 start empty-handed;build up from nothing;start from scratch;start from taw;build up one's fortune from scratch;rise in life without help;rise by one's own efforts;make a fortune starting from scratch; 白薯 {植} sweet potato; 白水泥 {建} white cement; 白说 waste one's breath;speak in vain; 白糖 (refined) white sugar; 白体 {刷} lean type;{光} candicans;white object;{医} corpus albicans; 白天 daytime;day; 白条 white bar;blank note;a note acknowledging a debt;IOU; 白铁 galvanized iron;tin plate; 白头翁 {中药} the root of Chinese pulsatilla;{动} Chinese bulbul;grey starling; 白头偕老 reach old age together — said of a couple;be a faithful old hoary-headed couple;live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss;live together until old age;remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives;stick to each other till the hair turns grey; 白熊 sea bear;bear;polar bear;white bear; 白血病 leuk(a)emia;leukocythemia;leucemiz;leukemia;leucocythemia;leukocythemia; 白血球 {生理} leucocyte;leukocyte;white blood cell;white corpuscle; 白鲟 {动} beluga;belouga;Chinese paddlefish; 白眼 supercilious look;contemptuous look; 白杨 {植} white poplar;aspen; 白羊皮纸 virgin parchment; 白药 {中药} baiyao (a white medicinal powder for treating hemorrhage,wounds,bruises,etc.); 白叶病 hoja blanca; 白蚁 termitid;termite;white ant; 白银 silver;silver dollar or ingot; 白鼬 ermine;stoat; 白榆 {植} American elm;white elm;dwarf elm;ulmus pumila; 白鱼 blanquillo;tullibee;whitefish; 白玉 white jade; 白玉无瑕 flawless white jade;perfect; 白云苍狗 White clouds change into grey dogs.;often take freakish forms;The changes in human affairs often take freakish forms.;the vicissitudes of fortune [events];unexpected change of worldly affairs; 白云朵朵 White clouds are piled upon one another.;The clear sky is flecked with white clouds.;The sky is dotted with white clouds.; 白云蓝天 White clouds drift through the blue sky.;An azure sky flecked with fleecy white clouds.;The blue sky flecked by white clouds.; 白芷 {中药} the root of Dahurain angelica;radix angelicae formosanae;Angelica dehurica; 白纸黑字 put it down in black and white;(All this) was written down in black and white.;written in black ink on white paper;black characters [letters] on white paper; 白昼 daytime; 白术 {中药} bighead atractylodes rhizome;white atractylodes rhizome;Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae;the rhizome of large-headed atractylodes; 白[别]字连篇 One's writing is full of misspelt words.;full of incorrect forms of words;make a great number of mistakes in spelling;pages and pages of wrongly written characters; 白族 the Bai nationality (living in Yunnan Province) |