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单词 scale
scale1/skeɪl/ nv [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(鱼)鳞(one of the thinflathard plates forming the covering of fish and certain animals)[C]:fish's/snake's~s 鱼/蛇鳞;the~s of reptiles 爬行动物的鳞;scrape the~s off a fish 刮鱼鳞;take off the~s 刮鳞;A herring's~s are silver in colour. 鲱鱼的鳞是银色的。

(2)鳞状物,皮肤(油漆)屑(any thin platelike piece that peels off a surface or skin)[C]:~s 肤屑;S~s of skin peel off after scarlet fever. 患猩红热后,浑身会一点点地脱皮。Scrape the paint~s off the wall. 把墙上的漆皮一点点刮下来。〖同〗plate;

(3)水(齿)垢,铁屑(锈)(thing like a scale formed on a metal or on the teeth)[CU]:~s of rust on an old stove 旧炉子上的铁锈;anvil/forge/mill~锻渣/锻铁鳞/轧钢屑;kettle/water pipe~水壶/水管的水垢;〖同〗 deposit,fur;

the scales fall from sb's eyes 发觉上当:The man has been cheating the girl for months,but at last the~fell from her eyes. 那个男人欺骗了姑娘几个月,但最终姑娘认出了他的真面目。

v(1)刮(鱼鳞等)(remove the scales from a fish)[T+n]:~the herrings/the fish with a knife 用刀子把鲱鱼/鱼的鳞刮掉;〖同〗 scrape;

(2)(使)剥(脱)落((cause to) come off in scales or thin layers)[I+adv (off),T+n+adv(off)]:The bark~s off easily with a knife. 树皮很容易用刀子剥下来。The wallpaper/plaster is~ing off the house. 房间的壁纸/灰膏在剥落。~the bark from a branch 剥掉树枝上的树皮;~the old paint off the ceiling刮掉天花板的旧涂料;〖同〗 peel,shave,shell;

(3)生水垢(cover or become covered with scales)[T+n 通常pass]:heavily~d kettle/boiler/water pipe 水垢很厚的水壶/锅炉/水管;Water~s the kettle. 水使水壶生水垢。

→′scaly adj 鳞状的;有水垢的;′scaliness n 鳞状;有水垢





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