释义 |
食肉寝皮shí ròu qǐn pí(want to) eat sb’s flesh and sleep on his hide—swear revenge; (want to)see the person one hates destroyed ❍ 然二子者,譬于禽兽,臣食其肉而寝处其皮矣。(《左传·襄二十一年》) As to those two,they are like beasts,whose flesh I will eat,and whose skins I’ll sleep on. ❍ 你道凭胡行堪不堪,纵将他寝皮食肉也恨难剜。(洪昇《长生殿》) His treason is so disgusting|That even if I eat his flesh and sleep on his hide|I shall never forget my hatred!/又一回偶然议论起一个不好的人,他便说不但该杀,还当“~”。(鲁迅《呐喊·狂人日记》12) And once in discussing a bad man he said that not only did the fellow deserve to be killed,he should “have his flesh eaten and his hide slept on”. 食肉寝皮shí ròu qǐn pí寝皮:剥下皮来当褥子。吃他的肉,剥他的皮做褥子。形容极端仇恨某人。deep hatred for the enemy, have one’s flesh eaten and his hide slept on |