释义 |
疾首蹙额jí shǒu cù éwith aching head and knitted brows—frowning in disgust; with abhorrence;be opposed to ❍ 我独不解中国人何以于旧状况那么心平气和,于较新的机运这么~;于已成之局那么委曲求全,于初兴之事就这么求全责备? (《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—118) But what I cannot understand is why we Chinese are so contented with existing conditions,and so opposed to change; so tolerant of what has been done already,and so hyporcritical of anything new. ❍ 百姓闻王钟鼓之声、管籥之音,举~而相告曰……(《孟子·梁惠王下》)The people hear the noise of your bells and drums,and the notes of your fifes and pipes,and they all,with aching heads,knit their brows,and say to one another… 疾首蹙额ji shou cu ewith aching head and knitted brows—frown in disgust 疾首蹙额jí shǒu cù é疾首:头痛;蹙:皱;蹙额:皱眉头。形容厌恶、痛恨的样子。with abhorrence, frowning in disgust |