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单词 斗鸡走狗

斗鸡走狗dòu jī zǒu gǒu

cock-fighting and dog racing; enjoy cock-fights and dog-races
❍ 这贾蔷外相既美,内性又聪敏,虽然应名来上学,亦不过虚掩眼目而已; 仍是~、赏花阅柳的事。(《红楼梦》112) Jia Qiang possessed a very shrewd brain under his dazzlingly handsome exterior. His attendance at the school,however,was no more than a blind to his other activities,principal among which were cock-fighting,dog-racing,and botanizing excursions into the garden of pleasure.
❍ 这些都是少年,正是~,问柳评花的一干游侠纨裤。(《红楼梦》978) The young hereditary nobles from wealthy families whom they invited were a set of profligates who enjoyed cock fights,dog racing and playing about with singsong girls and young actors.
❍ 不疑为人勇有胆力,少而任侠,常结伴十数人,~,……(《不怕鬼的故事》10) Dou was bravely and completely fearless,and had done chivalrous deeds as a young man. He often gathered a dozen or so companions for cock-fights and hunting with hounds.

斗鸡走狗dòu jī zǒu ɡǒu

斗鸡:使鸡打架的游戏。指一些人游手好闲的无聊游戏。enjoy cock fights and dog racing, cock-fighting and dog pacing





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