释义 |
疾恶如仇嫉恶如仇jí è rú chóuabhor evils(/evildoers) as deadly foes; detest the evil with uncompromising hatred; hate evil like an enemy ❍ 有万的绝对公正,嫉恶如仇,见公共事一马当先,使得生宝感到互助组有这个人,搞生产的信心更强了。(柳青《创业史》139) Youwan’s absolute fairness,his abhorrence of evil,the way he immediately stepped forward when public interests were involved-these made Shengbao very happy to have him on his mutual-aid team and increased his confidence that the team would bring in a bumper harvest. ❍ 见善若惊,嫉恶若仇。(罗贯中《三国演义》205) He regards the good with trembling respect,he detests the evil with uncom promising hatred. ❍ 你知道,我是嫉恶如仇的,……(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》33) You understand quite well that I hate any wrongdoing. 疾恶如仇hate the evil like an enemy;detest evil 疾恶如仇疾(嫉)jí è rú chóu疾:憎恨、痛恨;恶:指坏人坏事。痛恨坏人坏事如同憎恨仇人一样。hate evil like an enemy, one’s abhorrence of evil, abhor evils as deadly foes |