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单词 even
释义 even1 /'uvn; 'ivan/ adj 1 level; smooth: 平坦的; 平滑的: A billiard-table must be perfectly ME 仙必须十分平坦。 2 regular; steady; of unchanging quality: 有规律的; 不变的; 均匀的: His ~ breathing showed that he had got over his excitement. 他的均匀的呼吸显示出他已山兴奋转为平静了。 His work is not very ~, it is a mixture of good and bad. 他的作品时好时坏。 3 (of amounts, distances, values) equal: (指数匿,距离,价値) 相等的: Our scores are now 我们的得分驻在相等。 The two horses were ~ /, the race. 那两云马姑赛的成绩相等。 be/get ~ with sb, have/get one's revenge on him. 向某人报复。 ~ odds, chances which are the same for or against. 成败或正反的机会桁等。 break (colloq) make neither a profit nor a loss. (俗) 不赚不赔; 得失相等。 4 (of numbers) that can be divided by two with no remainder: (指数目) 可被二除尽的; 偶数的: The pages on the left side of a book have ~ numbers. 一本书左面的页码是偶数。 odd. 5 equally balanced: 公平的; 均衡的: an ~ chance; 公平的机会; ~ money, (in betting). (赌赛中) 相等的钱。 ~-handed adj fair: 公正的:~ ~ handed justice. 矢公无私。 6 (of temper, etc) calm; not easily disturbed: (指性情等) 本静的; 冷宵的: 0 ~-tempered baby. 性情平抒的婴孩。 U v, [VP6A, 15B] ~ (up), make ~ or equal: 使平坦; 使平; 使相等: That will ~ things up, make them equal. 这可以使事情得其平。 ~ly adv ~ness n




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