释义 |
妇姑勃谿fù gū bó xībickering wives and sisters in-law; quarrel about trifles ❍ 他们也有不平,有反抗,有战斗,而往往不过是将败落家族的~,叔嫂斗法的手段,移到文坛上。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编·答徐懋庸并关于抗日统一战线问题》65) Some were discontented,some revolted and fought,but the tactics they usually brought to the literary forum were those of bickering wives and sisters-in-law and squabbling brothers-in law in families in decline. ❍ 现在我可以大胆地用 “~”这句古典了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—88) So now I can boldly cite the classical quotation: “The mother-in-law wrangles with her daughter-in-law.” |