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单词 sail
sail/seɪl/ n & v

n (1)船帆(large piece of strong cloth which is put up on a boat or ship so that the wind can push the boat or ship along)[CU]:put up/hoist/haul down/lower the~s 扬/扬/落/下帆;The wind flapped/swelled/filled the~s. 风使帆飘动/张满/张满。make/set/take in~扬帆(启航)/扬帆(启航)/收帆;a fore-and-aft/square/main/head~纵/横/主/前帆;

(2)航行,乘船游览(trip in a boat or ship)[Ua~]:go for a~乘船游玩;They had (took) a~along the coast/around the island in my boat. 他们乘着我的船沿海岸/绕岛航行。〖同〗excursion,voyage;

(3)航程(distance of a voyage)[Ua~]:a four-day~to get to Paris 到巴黎四天的航程;three days'/an hour's~(from London)(距伦敦)三天/一个小时的航程;How many days'~is it from Liverpool to New York? 从利物浦到纽约需要航行几天?

(4)(帆)船(vessel with sails)[C]:a fleet of ten~有10艘船的船队;Have you found any~on the sea? 你在海面上发现船了吗?

(5)(风车)翼板(thing shaped like a sail on a windmill)[C]:Windmills have four wooden~s. 风车有四个木制翼板。

under sail 扬帆航行:The ship was under~. 船在(扬帆)航行。

→′sailboat n 帆船;′sailcloth n 帆布(制帆篷等的布);

v(1)航行(海)((of a vessel) move over the water)[I+prepI+adv]:~along the coast/against the wind/down the river/over the sea 沿海岸/逆风/顺流/在海上航行;~home/down (up)/away/through 返航/顺(逆)流行驶/开走/驶过;The liner is~ing into the port/for London. 这艘邮轮正在驶入港口/驶向伦敦。

(2)乘船旅游(行)(travel in a boat or ship)[I]:~round the world 乘船环球旅行;I've never~ed through the Mediterranean/for (to) Hawaii. 我从来没有乘船驶过地中海/去过夏威夷。I~every weekend. 我每周末乘船出海。

(3)启航,乘船动身(start a voyage or trip in a ship)[II+prep (from) (for/to)]: His parents have~ed (for Japan) today. 他的父母今天已乘船启程(去日本)了。The ship will~for/to/from Southampton in two days (at noon). 两天后(中午)这艘船将启航去南安普敦/启航去南安普敦/从南安普敦启程。

(4)在……航行(sail over)[T+n]:~the North Sea/Atlantic single-handed(many times) 独自一人(许多次)在北海/大西洋上航行;The steamer is~ing the Pacific now. 那艘轮船此刻正在太平洋上航行。

(5)驾驶(船只)(operateguide or steer (a ship or boat))[IT+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:learn how to~(schooner)学习怎样驾驶(纵帆船);~a boat out to the island/up the channel/to Greece/through the narrow passage 驾船驶向小岛/驶向海峡/驶向希腊/驶过狭窄的航道;

(6)平稳地行进(move along smoothly;glide)[I+prepI+adv]:The volleyball~ed over the net. 排球平稳地飘过球网。The clouds~ed across the sky. 云慢慢地飘过天空。The swans~ed along the lake. 天鹅悠然地在湖面上游动。The skaters~ed along the ice. 滑冰者悠然地在冰面上滑行。The secretary~ed into the room. 秘书从容地走进房间。The balloon/eaglet~ed upward (by/past). 汽球/小鹰徐徐飘(飞)上天(过去/过去)。〖同〗glide,drift,float;

sail in (v adv)参与争(辩)论(vi):Mrs White~ed in just as we thought the heat had gone out of discussion. 就在我们认为激烈的讨论即将结束时,怀特夫人加入了讨论。

sail into (v prep)斥责,殴打(vt):The coach really~ed into Bob for dropping the pass. 因鲍勃没有接到传球,教练狠狠地骂了他。He grabbed a stick and~into the wolf. 他抓起一根棍子朝那只狼狠狠地打过去。

sail through (v adv/prep)顺利通过(考试等)(vt & vi):Did he~through (his finals)? 他顺利通过(期末考试)了吗?

→′sailing n 漫游,航海;航行(班);′sailor n 海员,水手





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