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单词 出其不意

出其不意chū qí bù yì

chu qi bu yi(all) of a sudden; at unawares; be caught unawares;beyond sb’s expectations;(do sth) out of sb’s reckoning;(much)to sb’s surprise; suddenly; surprisingly; take (/catch) sb unawares (/napping/off guard/by surprise); unexp ectedly
❍ 攻其无备,~。(《孙子·计篇》)Attack him where he is unprepared,appear where you are not expected.
❍ 我~跑了来,要对俘虏们演说。(茅盾《子夜》193) I’ve come,rather unexpectedly perhaps,to speak to the prisoners,as it were.
❍ 窃闻夜郎所有精兵, 可得十余万, 浮船牂柯江, ~, 此制越一奇也。(《史记·西南夷列传》2994) I have receivedin formation,however,that over a hundred thousand first-rate soldiers could be recruited from the region of Yelang. If these were transported down the Cangke River in ships and deployed against the king of Southern Yue while he was still unprepared,it would be an excellent way to bring his territory under control.
❍ 杨仲安(~,有点生气了),这,你不用管。(夏衍《考验》43) Yang (caught unawares,rather put out) You don’t need to worry about that.
❍ 关键就在于~,亲爱的! (杨佩瑾《剑》95) The point is that we must take them by surprise.
❍ 人民赞助、良好阵地、好打之敌、~等条件,都是达到歼灭目的所不可缺少的。(《毛泽东选集》221) Conditions such as popular support,favourable terrain,a vulnerable enemy force and the advantage of surprise are all indispensable for the purpose of annihilation.
❍ 你是知道他的,他平常每每喜欢做~的事。(郭沫若《屈原》42) You know what he is like:there is no telling what he will want.
❍ 她装着躲开不理的样子,隔了一阵,~,从他背后一手抓住那信纸,夺在手里,撕得稀烂。(周立波《山乡巨变》274) She pretended to go away and ignore him,but after a while came up from behind unnoticed by him,snatched the paper and tore it into small pieces.

出其不意chū qí bù yì

出乎别人意料之外。take sb. by surprise, suddenly, surprisingly, surprise sb., catch sb. unprepared, at unawares, beyond sb.’s expectations, unexpectedly





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