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单词 ruin
ruin/′ru:ɪn/ n & vt

n (1)毁坏(灭)(severe damage or destruction)[U]:the~of a city/the monument 一城市/纪念碑的毁坏;reduce a city to a state of~使一座城市毁灭;the~of civilization/sb's hope 文明的毁灭/某人希望的破灭;national/social~国家的崩溃/社会的没落;〖同〗decay,destruction;

(2)覆灭(崩溃,破产)(total loss of one's fortunepositionprospects or honour)[U]:the~of property/the business/the bandits 财产的损失/企业的破产/土匪的覆灭;He was brought to~by drugs. 他因吸毒而破产了。R~stares him in the face. 他面临着破产的危险。The company is facing~. 那家公司正面临破产。on the brink of~在崩溃的边缘;plan sb's~策划搞垮某人;Drink/This very intelligence led (caused/brought about) his~. 酗洒/正因为聪明导致(造成/造成)他毁灭。

(3)祸因(cause of this)[U]:Gambling/Drinking was his~. 赌博/酗酒是他毁灭的原因。Fame will be the~of her. 声誉将会毁了她。Military rule was the~of the Roman empire. 军事统治是罗马帝国灭亡的原因。The flood was the~of the harvest. 洪水是欠收的原因。〖同〗downfall,failure;〖反〗success,build-up;

(4)坍塌(破坏)的状态(state of being damageddestroyed or collapsed)[U]:The temple/castle has fallen into~. 那座寺庙/城堡已坍塌了。The boat/village went to (crumbled into)~. 这条船朽坏了/那座村庄已成废墟了。

(5)废墟,遗址;残存(the parts of sth that remain after it has been severely damaged or spoiled)[C,常pl]:The temple is now a~. 那座寺庙如今已是一片废墟。an old~on the top of the hill 山顶上一古老废墟;the~s of ancient Troy/an ancient city古特洛伊城/一座古城遗址;This ancient Maya temple was splendid once,but it is a mere~now. 这座古玛雅寺庙曾辉煌一时,但现在只是一堆废墟。〖同〗remains,shell;

in ruins 成了一片废墟,受到严重破坏:The houses across the street were in~s. 街对面的那片房子已是一片废墟。His life/career/plan is in~s. 他的生活/事业/计划毁掉了。

vt (1)毁坏(灭)(severely damage sth)[T+n]:The fire~ed the house. 这场火烧毁了那所房子。Loss of trade~ed the business. 买卖上的损失毁了这家企业。~sb's career/one's prospects/one's health 毁掉某人的事业/前途/健康;His life was~ed by drink. 酗酒毁了他的生活。〖同〗destroy;〖反〗 help,improve;

(2)破坏(spoil)[T+n](infml):The rain~ed my new dress. 这场雨毁了我的新衣服。Bad weather~ed our holiday. 坏天气破坏了我们的假期。The entire day was~ed. 整个一天都给毁了。You'll~your boy! 你将宠坏你的男孩儿;

(3)使破产(make sb spend or lose all his money)[T+n]:The stock market crash~ed many people . 股票市场的崩溃使许多人破产。a~ed man 一个破产的人;〖同〗bankrupt,break;〖同〗enrich,profit;

→͵rui′nation n 毁灭(坏);祸因;′ruinous adj 毁灭性的;′ruinously adv 毁灭性地





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