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(到) to; till; until: 自冬 ~ 夏 from winter to summer; 战斗 ~ 死 fight on till one's last breath; 截 ~ 上月底为止 up to the end of last month Ⅱ (极; 最) extremely; most; utmost: 欢迎之 ~ extremely cordial welcome; warmly welcome; ~ 为重要 most important; 感人 ~ 深 deeply moving; extremely moving; 是为 ~ 盼。 That is our sincerest hope. ~ 嘱。 See that you act accordingly.
◆至宝 most valuable treasure; most precious asset; 至诚 complete sincerity; 至诚 sincere; straightfor ̄ ward; 至迟 at the latest; no later than; 至此 come here; arrive here; have come this far; have developed to this point; 至多 at (the) most; no more than; 至高无上 supreme; crowing; most lofty [exalted]; paramount; sublime; the highest; 至关紧要 of utmost importance; 至交 most intimate friend; best friend; 至今 up to now; hitherto; to this day; so far; 至理名言 the true saying; a famous saying whose essence is truth itself; a maxim pregnant with wisdom that speaks well for human reason; a true remark; axiom; celebrated [famous] dictum; golden saying; most true sayings; 至亲 very close relative; close kin; 至上 supreme; the highest; 至少 at (the) least; 至死 unto death; till death; 至于 go so far as to; as for; as to; concerning; with regard to





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