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单词 entangle
释义 entangle /in'tseggl; in'taeijgl/ vt [VP6A, 15A, 14] ~ (in). 1 catch in a snare or among obstacles: 使气缠; 缠住: My fishing line got ~d in weeds. 我的钓鱼线与杂草缠在一起了。 The duck flew into the nets and the more it struggled the more it ~d itself. 那鸭子飞入网中,牠越挣扎,续得越紧。 2 (fig) put or get into difficulties, in unfavourable cir cumstances: (iK)使陷入困境; 使陷入不利情况: ~ → e- self with money-lenders. 为放债者所苦。 ~ment n 1 [U] entangling or being ~d; [C] situation that ~s:纠缠; 陷入困境; 引起纠缠之情况; 纠纷: ~ments with rogues; 与歹徒间的纠纷; emotional merits. 感情的纠缠。 2 (pl) barrier of stakes and barbed wire to impede the enemy's advance. (复)铁丝网(以阻敌人前进者)。




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