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单词 生气勃勃

生气勃勃shēng qì bó bó

be all life; be bubblingwith vitality; be high-spirited; be vivid with life;bouncing; bouncy; brisk; buoyant; crispy; dynamic;effervesce; effervescent; energetic; full of vigour(/buoyancy/go/beams/vitality); gutty; in exu berant spirits; lively; mettled (/mettlesome);perky; punchy; sappy; sprightfully; sprightly;vibrant;vigorous; vivacious
❍ 许多新战士,杨军连他们的脸还没有认清,姓名一个也不知道,他们那股欢快的情绪,强烈的战斗要求,对敌人的仇恨,都使他觉得部队的~,有一种英雄豪迈的气概。(吴强《红日》409) Therewere many new fighters whom Yang Jun had not yet learned to know by sight,not even one of whom he knew by name; their cheerful frame of mind,their enthusiasm for battle and their hatred of the enemy gave him the impression that the unit was bubbling with vitality and permeated with an atmosphere offearless bravery.
❍ 为什么这些身为囚犯的人变得那样高兴,那样~? (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》516) Why did these prisoners become so happy and high spirited?/“我就要秦德贵告诉我,在哪里掉的,我有本事去找到。” 丁春秀~的,觉得一切事情都难不倒她。(艾芜《百炼成钢》 151) “Then I would ask Qin Degui to tellme where he had lost it? I’d have been able to find it.”To this energetic woman nothing seemed difficult.


dynamic; vigorous; full of vigor (or vitality); energetic

生气勃勃shēnɡ qì bó bó

生气:指活力;勃勃:旺盛的样子。形容富有朝气,充满活力。full of vitality, alive and kicking, vivacity, bright, be vivid with life





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