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(年) year : 一年半 ~ six to twelve months; six months to a year; 三年五 ~ three to five years; 千 ~ 难逢 occurring only once in a lifetime; very rare Ⅱ (记载) put on record; write down: 登 ~ publish in newspapers or magazines; 转 ~ reprint; ~ 入记录 record in the minutes; place on record; 据报 ~ according to press reports; 条约中 ~ 明 be clearly stated in the treaty
另见 see also zài。
◆载入史册 be written into the annals of history; go down in history


❶ (装载) load; carry; hold: 满 ~ fully load; 超 ~ over-load; 运 ~ transport by vehicle; ~ 客 carry passengers; 轮船满 ~ 着大米。 The ship is fully loaded with rice. 他 ~ 誉返乡。 He went home loaded with honours.
❷ (充满道路) (the road) be filled with: 怨声 ~ 道。 Complaints are heard all over.; Popular grievances are openly voiced everywhere. 风雪 ~ 途。 Whirling snow swept over the road. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 晖 Zai Hui Ⅲ [书] (又; 且) and; as well as; while: ~ 笑 ~ 言 talking and laughing at the same time
另见 see also zǎi。
◆载波 signal carrier; carrier wave; carrier; 载歌载舞 now singing, now dancing; festively singing and dancing; singing and dancing joyously; 载荷 load; loading; 载货 carry cargo; carry freight; 载流(的) current-carrying; 载流子 {固物} carrier; charge carrier; current carrier; 载频 {无} carrier frequency; carrier; 载热(的) heat-carrying; 载人(的) manned; 载人飞船 manned spacecraft; 载人空间站 manned space station;
载体{化} carrier; supporter; isotopic carrier; 载运 convey by vehicles, ships, etc,; transport; carry; 载重 load; carrying capacity; 载重线 loadline; load waterline

❶put down in writing; set forth; record
条约中~明be explicitly provided (or clearly stated)in the treaty/刊~carry;publish(in a newspaper or magazine)/一年半~ six to twelve months;six months to a year





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