❶ (葫芦) bottle gourd;calabash;cucurbit ❷ (用短颈大腹的老熟葫芦制作的盛器) gourd used as a drinking vessel,etc. ❸ (瓦壶) earthen kettle 另见 see also hù;huò。
❶ (瓠子,草本植物) a kind of edible gourd ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 巴 Hu Ba 另见 see also hú;huò。 ◆瓠果 Peponidium;pepo; 瓠犀 melon seed; 瓠子 (瓠瓜) Lagenaria siceraria var. clavata;a kind of edible gourd
(构词成分): ~ 落 [- luò] [书] (形容大,空廓) large and spacious 另见 see also hú;hù。