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单词 理屈词穷

理屈词穷lǐ qū cí qióng

be tongue-tied on realizing one’s own shaky stand; be unable to advance any further arguments to justify oneself; fall silent on finding oneself bested in argument; find oneself devoid of all argument; find one’s arguments falling to pieces; have a weak case and can not defend oneself; have not a leg to stand on; shut up when defeated in argument
❍ 宝钗因又劝道:“你既~,我劝你从此把心收一收,好好的用用功,但能博得一第,便是从此而止,也不枉天恩祖德了!”(《红楼梦》1514) Baochai went on to plead,“Since you’ve run out of arguments,my advice to you is to take a grip on yourself and study hard; because if you can pass the triennial examination,even if you stop at that,you’ll be paying back your debt of gratitude for your sovereign’s favour and your ancestore’s virtue.”


have nothing left to justify oneself;at the end of one’s excuses; fail to advance any further arguments to defend (or justify) oneself

理屈词穷lǐ qū cí qiónɡ

屈:短、亏;穷:尽。由于理亏而无话可说。be unable to advance any further arguments to justify oneself, have not a leg to stand on, have nothing to say to justify oneself





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