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单词 不明不白

不明不白bù míng bù bái

ambiguous; be slightly underhand; in a muddle; not be clear; obscure;pointless;unintelligible;with no clear reason whatever; dubious; doubtful-印书的合同,是明明白白的,但我不愿意到那些~的地方去辩解。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—184) The contract itself was quite plain and intelligible,but I had no wish to go to such un intelligible places to explain it./“用不着,走吧。”韩澄洙~地说了一句,就向帐篷外面走去。(杨佩瑾《剑》286)“Never mind. Come on.” With this non-committal answer Han Sung Su started out.
❍ 与其死个~,何不跟着他们一起拼。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ —252)Rather than die with no clear reason whatever,why shouldn’t we fight it out along with the rest of them!

不明不白bù mínɡ bù bái

无缘无故,也可表示十分不清楚。not clear, also not open, obscure, doubtful, ambiguous, in a muddle





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