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单词 珠玉在侧

珠玉在侧zhū yù zài cè

with pearls and jade at one’s side--with a beauty beside one
❍ 骠骑王武子是卫玠之舅,俊爽有风姿,见玠辄叹曰:“~,觉我形秽。”(刘义庆《世说新语·容止》) The General of Spirited Cavalry,Wang Qi,was Wei Jie’s maternal uncle.Distinguished and forthright,he possessed an urbane charm. But whenever he saw Jie he would always say with a sigh,“With such pearls and jade at my side I’m made aware of the foulness of my own body.”

珠玉在侧zhū yù zài cè

珠玉:珍珠美玉,指容貌和才能出众的人。形容身旁聚集了容貌和才能出众的人。people who are better beautiful looks and higher ability than me are at my side, with a beauty beside one





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