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单词 御敌于国门之外

御敌于国门之外yù dí yú guó mén zhī wài

engagethe enemy outside the gates; stop the enemy (/intruder) on the border of the country;fight against the enemy on the frontier
❍ 可是,军事冒险主义者则坚决反对此种步骤,他们的主张是所谓“~”。(《毛泽东选集》187) But military adventurists stubbornly oppose such a step and advocate “engaging the enemy outside the gates”./今有御人于国门之外者,其交也以道, 其也以礼,斯可受御舆?《孟子·万章下》) Here now is one who stops and robs people outside the gate of the city. He offers his gift on a ground of reason,and does so in a manner according to propriety; would the reception of it so acquired by robbery be proper?

御敌于国门之外yù dí yú ɡuó mén zhī wài

御:抵御,抵挡。在国境或控制区之外抵挡住敌人。fight against the enemy on the frontier, engage the enemy outside the gates





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