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❶ (君主; 最高的爵位) king; monarch: 国 ~ king; 亲 ~ prince; 他们立[拥]他为 ~。 They crowned [made] him king.
❷ (头子) head; chief: 擒贼先擒 ~。 To catch bandits, first catch the ringleader.
❸ (同类中居首位的) the best or the strongest of its kind; king: 歌 ~ champion singer; 球 ~ king of baseball [football, etc.]; 拳 ~ boxing champion; 百兽之 ~ (狮子) the king of beasts; 丛林之 ~ (虎) the king of the jungle; 鸟中之 ~ (鹰) the king of birds; 森林之 ~ (指栎树、橡树或狮、虎等) the monarch of the forest
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 富广 Wang Fuguang Ⅱ [书] (大) grand; great: ~ 母 grandmother
另见 see also wànɡ。
◆王八蛋 bastard; son of a bitch; 王八 tortoise; [骂] cuckold; 王不留行 {中药} the seed of cowherb; 王朝 imperial court; royal court; dynasty; 王储 crown prince; 王带鱼 king of the herrings; 王道 kingly way; benevolent government; 王狄 a surname; 王法 the law of the land; the law; 王法无亲 The law has no respecter of persons.; 王妃 princess consort (a rank next to the queen); 王夫 a surname; 王柑 king orange; 王公 princes and dukes; the nobility; 王公大臣 the princes, dukes and ministers; imperial princes and court ministers; princes and ministers; the dukes and high ministers; 王公贵族[戚] kings, princes and aristocrats; the nobility; 王宫 (imperial) palace; 王官 a surname; 王冠 diadema; imperial crown; royal crown; 王鲑 king salmon; black salmon; Chinook salmon; quinnat salmon; 王国 kingdom; realm; domain; 王侯 princes and marquises; the nobility; 王后 queen consort; queen; 王码电脑 Wang Code Computer; 王牌 trump card; 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸 ring one's own bell; 王企鹅 king penguin (Aptenodytes pantagonica); 王鲭 king mackerel (Scomberomorus regalis); 王人 a surname; 王绒鸭 king eider; king duck; 王乳 bee milk; royal jelly; 王史 a surname; 王室 royal family; imperial court; royal court; 王室林 crown wood; 王室纸 royal; 王孙 prince's descendants; offspring of the nobility; a surname; 王孙公子 aristocrat; blueblooded young men; descendants of nobility; 王位 throne; crown; 王小二过年, 一年不如一年 get more run-down every year; 王爷 His [your] Royal Highness; 王者以民为天 A king's life depends upon the people.; 王子 king's son; prince; a surname; 王子犯法, 庶民同罪 If a prince violates the law, he must be punished like an ordinary person.; All men are equal in the eyes of the law.; Anyone, no matter who he is, who violates the law must be dealt with according to the law.; 王族 persons of royal lineage; imperial kinsmen; 王佐之才 the capabilities of a prime minister


[书] Ⅰ ❶ (统治; 称王) rule; govern: ~ 天下 rule over the empire; ~ 此大邦, 克顺克比。To rule over this great country; / Rendering a cordial submission, effecting a cordial union
❷ (胜) win Ⅱ ❶ (盛) vigorous; energetic
❷ (兴旺) prosperous; flourishing
另见 see also wánɡ。






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