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单词 edge
释义 edge1 /edj; ed$/ n 1 sharp, cutting part of a knife, sword or other tool or weapon: 亓; 刀口: a knife with a sharp ~; 有利刃之刀; to put an on a knife, sharpen it. 使刀口锋利。 be on ~, be excited or irritable, 激动; 急躁。 give sb the ~ of one's tongue, rebuke him sharply. 严斥某人。 have the ~ on sb. (colloq) have an advantage over him. I 俗)较某人占优势; 胜过某人。 set sb's teeth on ~, upset his nerves (as when a scraping sound or a sharp, acid taste causes physical revulsion). 使某人牙齿发侈; 刺激其神经(如闻刺耳声或尝酸物后引起身体上之急剧反应)。 take the ~ off sth, dull or soften; reduce, eg one's appetite. 使某物变钝; 挫其锋锤; 减弱(胃口等)。 2 (line marking the) outer limit or boundary of a (flat) surface: 边缘; 边线: a cottage on the ~ of a forest; 位于林边的茅舍; the ~ of a lake; 湖边 ; trim the ~s of a lawn, cut the grass there. 修卿草地之边缘。 Don't put the glass on the ~ of the table; it may get knocked off. 不要把杯子放在桌边上,它可能被碰掉。. He fell off the ~ of the cliff. 他自崖边跌下。 edgy /'edsi ; 如 31/ adj having one's nerves on ~. 激动的; 急躁的。




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