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单词 wanton


1. person of unrestrained. sportive. or roguish behav-iour;unrestrained merry-maker; merry,frolicsomerogue 荡子,寻欢作乐者,快活人。
△Rom.1.4.35:“Wan-tons light of heart”,i.e.light-hearted merry-makers.无忧无虑的浪荡哥儿们。
2. one apt to play and dally 浪荡子,风流人。
△ Wiv.2.2.59(56):“Lord,your worship’s a wanton!”天啊,你老爷真是个风流人物!
3. playful person,skittish refractory creature,trifler顽皮的人,好动而难驾驭的人,没正经的人。
△Lr.2.4.126(124):“Down,wantons,down!”i.e.Lie down,you playful creatures. 下去,淘气鬼,下去!
4. spoiled child,pampered pet 宠坏的小孩,娇生惯养的宠儿。
△Ham.5.2.313(299):“I am afeard you make awanton of me.”i.e. treat me as a child; toy with me;trifle with me.我怕你只是拿我当小孩子来开玩笑哩。
5. playful girl,tomboy 调皮女孩。
△Rom.2.2.176:“Iwould have thee gone —/ And yet no farther than a wanton’s bird.”我希望你快走,——但又不愿让你走得太远,像是顽皮女孩子手里的一只鸟。
6. loose woman 荡妇。
△Ado.4.1.44:“an approvedwanton.”一个证实了的淫妇。


1.playful,sportive,frolicsome,frisky 爱游戏的,嬉戏的,闹着玩儿的,活泼的。
△Mer.5.1.71:“a wild andwanton herd”,一群蹦跳嬉戏的畜生。
△ L.L.L.4.3.104(102):“Playing in the wanton air.”在欢快的春光之中游戏。
△Rom.2.6.19:“the wanton summer air,”在嬉戏中的夏天的轻风。
△Lr.4.1.36:“As flies to wantonboys are we to the gods,/ They kill us for theirsport.”我们在天神手里,就像苍蝇落入顽童的掌心,他们杀死我们只是为了好玩儿。
△1H.IV.4.1.103: “ Wanton asyouthful goats.”像小山羊一般活泼。
△ H.VIII.3.2.359(358):“I have ventured,/ Like little wanton boysthat swim on bladders,/ This many summers in a seaof glory,/ But far beyond my depth.”(This manysummers: numerals taken collectively as one space oftime) 多年以来,我像那些抱着猪尿泡游水的调皮小男孩一样,在荣誉的海洋里冒险游泳,但是游得太远,陷入了难以自拔的深度。
2. unrestrained,self-indulgent,loose,capricious,friv-olous 放纵的,放纵自己的,放荡的,任性的,轻浮的。
△3H.VI.3.3.209:“He’s very likely now to fall from him Formatching more for wanton lust than honour.”他现在很可能抛弃了他,因为他这场婚事不是为了荣誉,而只是为了放纵淫欲。
△Mid.2.1.129:“the wanton wind”,狂荡的风,狂风。
△Tw.3.1.22 (19):“Why,sir,her name’s aword,and to dally with that word might make mysister wanton.”先生,她的名字也是一个字,在那个字上玩弄什么花样,就可以使我的妹妹放荡起来。(按:小丑利用wanton的歧义双关。)
△Rom.2.5.72(70):“Now comes the wan-ton blood up in your cheeks,”现在你的脸上泛起了控制不住的红晕。(又译:轻狂的血就向小脸上冲)。
△Mac.1.4.34:“Wanton in fullness,”i.e.So full as to be out of control. 充溢到不能自制了。
△Ham.2.1.22:“But,sir,suchwanton,wild,and usual slips”,可是不妨说一些寻常的荒唐放肆的过错。
△2H.IV.4.1.54:“we are all diseased,/And with our surfeiting and wanton hours / Havebrought ourselves into a burning fever. / And we mustbleed for it:”我们全都生病了,由于我们饱食终日和放纵的生活,给我们带来一场火烧一般的热病,我们必须为此而放血。
3. out of hand,unmanageable,equivocal 无法控制的,难收拾的,暖昧不明的。
△Tw.3.1.14: “They that dallynicely with words may quickly make them wanton.”善于玩弄文字的人很容易把文字弄得暧昧不明。
4. ungoverned,disordered,unruly,rebellious 不受统治的,混乱的,不守秩序的,反叛的。
△1H.IV.5.1.50: “Whatwith the injuries of a wanton time,”i.e. the evils of atime of misgovernment. 另一方面也由于乱世所造成的种种不幸。
5. insolently triumphant 得意忘形的。
△H. VIII. 3.2.242(241):“and how sleek and wanton / Ye appear in ev-ery thing may (= that may) bring my ruin!”而在任何一件足以使我覆灭的事情中,你们又表现得何等狡猾和得意忘形!
6. effeminate. frivolous. trivial娇气的,轻浮的,琐屑的。
△2H.IV.1.1.148: “Thou art a guard too wanton forthe head”,你对于这个脑袋来说是一个太轻浮的防御物。
△2H.IV.4.1.191(189): “Yea,every idle,nice,andwanton reason,”嗯,每一条荒谬、微小而无足轻重的理由。
7. lascivious,carnal,lustful淫荡的,肉欲的,好色的。
△Oth.2.3.16: “He hath not yet made wanton thenight with her.”他还没有跟她欢度良宵呢。
8. arising from sexual indulgence由于沉湎色欲而引起的。
△Oth.1.3.271(269): “wanton dullness”,i.e.dullness arising from sexual indulgence由于沉湎色欲而引起的迟钝。
9. erotic,amorous色情的,有关爱情的。
△Shr.Ind.1.47: “wanton pictures”. 风流的图画。
10. luxuriant. rank-growing繁茂的,疯长的。
△Mid.2.1.99: “the wanton green”,乱草。
11. luxuriant,comfortable,soft浓密的,舒适的,柔软的。wanton rushes: fresh and luxuriant rushes strewn onthe floor as covering柔软的芦苇席毯。
△1H.IV.3.1.213(211): “She bids you on the wanton rushes lay youdown.”她叫你躺在柔软的芦苇席毯上面。


ad. wantonly放肆地。
△Ham.3.4.183:“Pinchwanton on your cheek,”拧你的脸庞。


vi. play amorously戏弄,摇曳。
△Shr.Ind.2.54(52):“Which seem to move and wanton with her breath,”(芦苇)好像是被她的喘息所吹动而摇曳多姿。


‖ wantonly adv. wantonness n.





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