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单词 狭路相逢

狭路相逢狭路相遇xiá lù xiāng féng

[of adversaries] meet face to face on a narrow path come into unavoidable confrontation; meet at close quarters
❍ 老爷便说了,“乩仙批了,死者冯渊与薛蟠原系夙孽,今狭路相遇,原因了结。”(《红楼梦》47) Then you say,“The spirit control gives judgment as follows:“The dead man Feng Yuan,owed a debt of karma to Xue Pan from a former life and ‘meeting the enemy in a narrow way’,paid for it with his life.
❍ 仇人相见,本来格外眼明,况且是相逢狭路。(鲁迅《铸剑》86)When enemies meet they know each other at a glance,particularly at close quarters.


(of adversaries)meet face to face on a narrow path—come to unavoidable confrontation;confront each other face to face;be about to start a head-on clash
仇人~,分外眼红When enemies meet face to face on a narrow path,their eyes blaze with hate.

狭路相逢xiá lù xiānɡ fénɡ

在很狭窄的路上相遇,不容易让开。现多指仇人相遇,难以容让。come into unavoidable confrontation, meet face to face on a narrow path, inevitable revenge





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更新时间:2025/1/19 20:21:09