释义 |
独(獨)dúⅠ (一个) single;only;sole:~ 子 only son Ⅱ ❶ (独自) alone;by oneself;in solitude:~ 居 live a solitary existence;~ 坐 sit alone ❷ (唯独) only:大家都来了,~ 有他还没来。 He's the only one who isn't here yet. Ⅲ ❶ (年老没有儿子的人) old people without offspring;the childless:鳏寡孤 ~ widowers,widows,orphans and the childless ❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 立 Du Li ◆独霸 dominate exclusively;monopolize; 独霸一方 lord it over a district;be a local despot;wield absolute power in a part of a country [province,etc.];独白 soliloquy;monologue; 独步 unrivaled;peerless;without match;unique; 独步一时 be unequaled in one's generation;be unparalleled for a time;reign supreme in one's own field for some time;set the pace for the generation;stand alone in...; 独裁 dictatorship;autocratic rule;exercise dictatorship; 独唱 (vocal) solo; 独出心裁 create new styles [fashions];All this originates from his fertile imagination peculiar to himself.;An idea first conceived by him and executed with a finesse of his own.;be original;Everything he produces bespeaks originality.;On every line and curve is written the special verve of a first-rate artist.;show originality;There is something unique about his creation.; 独创 original creation;creative; 独创精神 creative spirit; 独创[倡]一格 develop a manner of one's own;create a style all one's own;develop one's own style of ...;original in style;originate a style of one's own; 独词句 {语} one-member sentence; 独当一面 take charge as chief of [at] one of the fronts;able to undertake the task alone;act on one's responsibility as an official,a manager,etc.;be head of one department;hold a responsible position in the capacity of a sectional chief,or department head,etc.;take charge of a department [locality];独到 original; 独到之处 (to have) one's own knack in [of] ...;a degree of excellence,perfection hitherto unreached by anybody else;originality;specific characteristics; 独断 arbitrary;dictatorial; 独断独[专]行 indulge in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions;act arbitrarily;act dictatorially;act personally in all matters;decide and act alone (without advice from others); 独夫 bad ruler forsaken by all;autocrat; 独夫民贼 the autocrat and traitor to the people;a brutal ruler who has committed a lot of crimes; 独孤 a surname; 独家出版 exclusive publishing; 独家经营 engage in a line of business without competition; 独家新闻 an exclusive news report;beat;scoop; 独脚兽 unicorn; 独角[脚]戏 monodrama;one-man show; 独居石 {矿} (磷铈镧矿) eremite;urdite;edwardite;edwardsite;monacite;monazite;kryptolith;turnerite; 独具匠心 have great originality;have an inventive mind;show (unique) ingenuity;possessing mental strategy alone; 独具一格 have a style of one's own;be in a class by itself or himself or herself;be original in style;of a unique style; 独具只[双]眼 be able to see what others cannot;discern what others don't;have exceptional insight;penetrating eye that see things others cannot see; 独来独往 have no contact with anyone;be free and alone;come and go freely; 独揽 arrogate;monopolize; 独立 (单独站立) stand alone;(自主自立;不受人支配) independence;(不依靠他人) independent;on one's own; 独立承包人 independent contractor; 独立仿真程序 stand-alone emulator; 独立核算 practise independent account; 独立王国 barony;independent kingdom;realm; 独立性 independent character;independence;unique character;distinctive character of one's own;independency; 独立自主 stand on one's own;act independently and with the initiative in one's own hands;be independent;maintain independence and keep the initiative in our own hands; 独立自主、自力更生 maintain our independence,initiative and self-reliance;build socialism independently and with the initiative in our own hands and through self-reliance;maintain independence and keep the initiative in our own hands and rely on our own efforts; 独力 by one's own efforts;on one's own; 独联体 [简] the Commonwealth of the Independent States (CIS); 独龙族 the Drung [Tulung] nationality,living in Yunnan Province; 独轮车 wheelbarrow;monocycle;monotroch; 独门独户 a house not sharing an entrance with others;a self-contained apartment or flat;a single house which has its own entrance; 独门独院 a single house which has its own entrance and courtyard; 独幕剧 one-act play; 独木难支 One log cannot prop up a tottering building.;It is difficult for a person to do much single-handed.;One person alone can not save the situation.; 独木桥 (用一根木头搭成的桥) single-plank bridge;single-log bridge;(艰难的途径) difficult path; 独木舟 dugout canoe; 独辟蹊径 open a new road for oneself — develop a new method of one's own;develop a new style;invent a new way of doing sth.; 独善其身 pay attention to one's own moral uplift without thought of others;be righteous alone in a community where the general moral tone is low; 独身 (单身) separated from one's family;(不结婚的) unmarried;single;bachelorhood;spinsterhood; 独身主义 celibacy;be a Diana; 独生女 only daughter; 独生子 only son; 独生子女 the only child;only son [daughter];独生子女证 single child certificate;a one-child certificate; 独树一帜 fly one's own colours — become an independent school;create a separate school;develop a school of one's own;establish a separate sect in religious faith;have a style of one's own;not a follower of others;set [hoist] one's own banner;strike a line for oneself; 独特 unique;distinctive;special;original; 独吞 pocket profit without sharing with anyone else; 独往独来 completely independent;act independently without seeking company;coming and going freely;not a slavish follower of fashions;with no restrictions; 独舞 solo dance; 独行 (独自一人行走) walk alone;(按自己的意志行事) insist on one's own ways in doing things; 独行其是 act independently;do what one thinks is right regardless of others' opinions; 独眼 cyclopia;synophthalmia;synop ̄sy;synopsia;cyclic eye; 独眼龙 a person blind in one eye;one-eyed person; 独一无二 the one and only;in a class by itself [oneself];matchless;the only one of its kind;the original without copies;unique;unmatched;unparalleled;without peer; 独占 have sth. all to oneself;monopolize; 独占鳌头 take the first place at the triennial palace examination;come out first;be the champion;come out at the head [top] of the list;gain the first place in an honour roll;head the list of successful candidates;lead [top] the list;stand first on the list; 独占资本 {经} monopoly capital; 独资 sole proprietorship;investment by a sole investor; 独资企业 solely foreign-owned enterprise;establish enterprises through their own exclusive investment; 独自 alone;by oneself;one's own; 独奏 (instrumental) solo;pay a solo |