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单词 狗尾续貂

狗尾续貂gǒu wěi xù diāo

a sable coat with a dog's tail—a wretched sequal to a fine work; make an unworthy continuation of a great work; write a deplorable sequel to a masterpiece
❍ 散文,在文苑中算是成功的,但试看今年的选本,便是前三名,也即令人有“貂不足,狗尾续” 之感。(鲁迅 《准风月谈 ·由聋而哑》69) Of all writing today,prose is comparatively the most successful; but if we look at this year's anthologies,even the three most famous are not up to much,like “sable eked out with dog fur. ”/随朝待漏,犹如~。(孔尚任 《桃花扇·媚座》)I am reinstated in official rank,"Dog-skin among the fox fur," some will say; …

狗尾续貂gou wei xu diao

join a dog tail to a sable—make an unworthy continuation of a great work

狗尾续貂gou wei xu diao

join a dog tail to a sable,meaning make an unworthy continuation of a great work

狗尾续貂ɡǒu wěi xù diāo

续:连接、接连;貂:一种动物,其毛皮很贵,古代皇帝的侍从用貂尾作帽子的装饰。原指因封官的人太多,貂尾不够用,只好用狗尾代替。比喻滥封官爵;现多比喻用不好的东西接在好东西的后面,使得好坏不相称。a wretched sequal to a fine work, make an unworthy continuation of a great work





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