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单词 狐假虎威

狐假虎威hú jiǎ hǔ wēi

the fox borrows the tiger’s fierceness [by walking in the latter’s company]—bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections; rely on one’s master’s might to bully others; assume sb else’s authority to browbeat other people
❍ 高学田正在气头上,又见万瞎子这个奴才这么~,就硬邦邦地说:“要钱没有,要命拿去!” (《高玉宝》39) Gao,already enraged,was further incensed by the impudence of this lackey—a fox masquerading as a tiger. “If you want money,I have none,”he retorted.“If you want my life,come and take it!”/~,可恶得很! (朱素臣《十五贯》33) A fox taking advantage of a tiger’s might—disgusting!/想着翟家这奴才走下乡~,着实恐吓了他一场。(《儒林外史》8) It’s all the fault of this rascal Chai. He goes down to the villages like a donkey in a lion’s hide,and he must have scared this painter fellow out of his wits.

狐假虎威hu jia hu wei

the fox borrows the tiger’s ferocity—bully people by virtue of sb. else’s influence


the fox borrows the tiger’s ferocity—bully people by virtue of sb else’s influence;flaunt one’s powerful connections

狐假虎威hú jiǎ hú wēi

狐狸借着老虎的威势来吓唬其他动物。比喻凭借别人的威势来吓唬、欺压他人。bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections, an ass in a lion ’s skin, rely on one’s masters might to bully other, assume the dignity of another





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