释义 |
狂风暴雨kuáng fēng bào yǔ❶a fierce (/furious/nasty/violent/wild) storm; a raging (/heavy) tempest; howling wind and torrential rain;of great momentum; in a perilous situation ❍ 不管是~,不管是惊波骇浪,你们一定要把战斗的旗帜,指向共产主义啊! (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》521) No matter how violent the storm and how tempestuous the waves,hold aloft this banner for communisim!/第二天早上,下暴雨了。愈下愈大,成了山城少见的~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》43) The next morning was a cloudburst,which was unusual heavy downpour,…/马蹄猛烈地踏着山石和坚硬的红色土地,像海潮,又像~……(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—152) The horses’hooves beat a fierce tattoo on the rocky path and hard red earth,as they charged like an angry tide or raging whirlwind. ❍ 谁知从第二天起他们又遭遇了~,雨一来就如同抬了海来啦!(刘白羽《火光在前》 1) Then,three days later,an unexpected storm arose,and rain fell in a deluge. 狂风暴雨kuánɡ fēnɡ bào yǔ猛烈的大风和大雨。比喻声势猛烈或处境险恶。a violent storm, a heavy storm, a windy downpour |