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单词 牛鬼蛇神

牛鬼蛇神niú guǐ shé shén

monsters and demons—forces of evil; ogres of all kinds; evil people of all descriptions
❍ 好些的,不过拿些经书凑搭凑搭还罢了;更有一种可笑的,肚子里原没有什么,东拉西扯,弄的~,还自以为博奥。(《红楼梦》1069) The better ones are nothing but a hotch-potch of classical tags,while the most ludicrous ones are written by ignoramuses who drag in this,that and the other to make up a monstrous mishmash,yet boast of their erudition!/披萝带荔,三闾氏感而为骚; ~,长爪郎吟而成癖。(《聊斋志异·自序》)“Clad in wistaria,girdled with ivy;”thus sang Sanlu in his dissipation of Grief. Ox-headed devils and serpent gods,he of the long-nails never wearied to tell.

牛鬼蛇神niu gui she shen

monsters and demons—forces of evil


monsters and freaks of all descriptions;monsters and ghosts;ogres of all kinds

牛鬼蛇神niú ɡuǐ shé shén

牛头的鬼,蛇身的神。泛指妖魔鬼怪。现多比喻各种各样的坏人或事物。forces of evil, demons and monsters, sprites and hobgoblins, all sorts of bad characters





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