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单词 今是昨非

今是昨非jīn shì zuó fēi

realize how one has been wrong (in the past); yesterday was wrong but today is right
❍ 但我们究竟还有一点记忆,回想起来,怎样的“~” 呵,怎样的 “口是心非” 呵,怎样的“今日之我与昨天之我战”呵。(鲁迅《华盖集》43) We do have some memory,though,and can think back to realize,“Yesterday was wrong but today is right.”“A man says one thing but means another,”“My present self is fighting against my past self.”

今是昨非jin shi zuo fei

realize now that one has been wrong in the past

今是昨非jīn shì zuó fēi

现在是对的,过去是错误的。表示有所悔悟。wake up to one’s past folly after realizing what is right today, realize how one has been wrong, come to realize how wrong one has been all these years





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更新时间:2025/1/19 17:21:27